Friday, April 24, 2009

Professional Development

There are a lot of things that go into professional development, and I discovered the other day that I do not know a whole lot about this topic. To me, professional development is recognizing your goals and figuring out how to achieve your goals. As a company, there are many goals that SHM want to accomplish, and each goal that I want will ultimately help accomplish SHM's goals. In order to become truly successful, you have to grow every day - and develop yourself personally, and professionally. If one does not grow over a time span, they are obviously not listening and learning every day the way that they should be.

Currently, I think there are a lot of things that I need to develop. There are a lot of long term and short term tasks that I need to complete in order to develop. When it comes to a daily basis - I need to be more vocal, and not be afraid to ask questions, because in the long run, it will allow me to grow in the professional world. Also, I need to focus more on learning something every day. To this point, I have learned a lot of things. However, thus far in my career, I know about one thousandth, or maybe even less of that, of what I will need to know. There will never be a point where I have all the knowledge in the world, but there will be a point that I know enough to be success and teach that knowledge to others on a daily basis. Over time, professional development grows a lot. Right now, I believe communication is a big part of mine - but as I grow, I do not think it will be as big as it is now. However, with evey job - the communication is different, so even though I may grow an immense amount here at SHM, my next job may have different approaches that I will then have to adjust to. Therefore, I guess the needs are always there for development - but with each stage in your life, they change!

That's all for now... seeya!

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