Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Open Letter...

Hi Everyone - welcome to week 3!

For 3 of you...(Natasha and Reshma) excluded, last week marked the start of having a direct supervisor and a team that you'll be working with on a regular basis. Hopefully the week was a good one where you got to know everyone a little better and began to flesh out some specific areas that you'll take ownership of for the 5+ months you've got remaining with us.

So...with that in mind...this week's assignment (Em - hopefully you're reading this before Friday :->) is:

Write an "open letter/note" to the your direct supervisor and the other members of your team (if applicable). It's up to you what this note should include, but I suspect it's a little bit about your hopes/goals, how you see yourself fitting in, special requests you might have, and things your team should just generally know about you (but don't already).

In addition...1 time this week, I'd like you to blog about something that happened during the might be an exciting experience, or perhaps something that got you thinking about the big's up to you.

Your posts are due by the time you leave the office this coming Friday (4/17)...if you're off Friday, then they're due your last day in the office this week.

See you in the AM....


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