Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Going on, and on, and on......

Today, I sat in during the PR task force meeting, and it was really interesting to me. I think that there are a lot of things that some people may sweep under the rug that PR picks up on. Little things such as, SHM members quoting something in an article, can turn into a big deal with PR. To me, that is really interesting, and I want to understand PR even more. I have never thought of all the things that go into a business in order for the company to be truly successful. After my PR meeting, I also encountered something that was intriguing. While I was up at the front desk, a man called me so estatic that HM09 was sold out. He was going on, and on, and on, and on about how this is the only time he has ever heard of an event selling out. I knew that HM09 was going to be a huge, historic event, but this made me realize how big it is to others outside of SHM09. Today was a good day, to say the least!

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