Saturday, April 18, 2009

Professional Development 101

Hi Everyone!!!

We're almost at the end of your first! I very much enjoyed reading everyone's "open letters" to their teams (Natasha, let's get yours in)...and I know your supervisors have been reading them as well...who knows, they might even reply to your letters here.

All of you have really started to find your way within all the SHM craziness and that's great to see! It's been fun to get to know each of you a little more and I hope you all know how much we appreciate all that you've done to date.

This week's blog is the last of the intro week we're going to start diving into some heavier stuff (marketing, PR, web 2.0, leadership). But this week, it's all about professional development.

All of my folks should be knee deep, working with their direct supervisors, on their professional development plans for the next five months. While full timers are able to look out to a longer horizon in writing their plans, there is no reason that you guys can't do the same think, but on a smaller scale (Reshma - I'm sure you're having conversations with Joy but unsure of whether or not you'll do a formal plan, the concepts are still the same).

With all of that as lead's this week's assignment.

Step 1 - By Wednesday

Write a blog that has nothing to do about professional development. It can be something you've seen that's intrigued you...a question you're ponder or even a thought you want to share...this is your post, only rule is that it has to tie back to either SHM or your own professional growth.

Step 2 - By Friday

Write a post, responding to these questions:

"What does the phrase "professional development" mean to you? What do you see as the most important things to focus in on with your professional development at this stage in your career? How do professional development needs evolve over time (or do they)?"

That's all I've got - see you Monday!


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