Friday, September 11, 2009

A lesson learned...

There are not many days left here at SHM, and to be honest - I am a little sad. I have learned a lot over my days here, both professionally and personally. Overall, I think the biggest lesson that I have learned is how important organization is.

When we first developed the personal dashboards, one of my personal metrics was keeping a to-do list. It is amazing how things get built up on your desk, and you totally forget about something. There are so many people at SHM that remember something they gave you 3 weeks ago, and all the details behind it. That is a quality that I believe is very important and neccessary in order to fully succeed. Even though I was merely an MA, I felt overwhelmed at times, putting off little things, and ultimately forgetting to do them. As a full-timer I can only imagine that it is even harder. Although this may seem like it is not that big of a deal, it allows you to be more productive.

There were so many things I have learned here, and it is hard to pinpoint one thing in specific, but I think being organized allows you to be on time, get the most work done, and you are able to manage all of your projects a lot easier. This is something I now realize, and I am glad that I realize it now, at the age of 20, instead of 24 when I am going for my first "real" job!

Gracias!! :)

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