Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bye bye bye...

Kari – First of all, I am VERY VERY upset that you are not going to be here on our last day!!! But I understand your Jonah obsession. Over this past week, it’s been amazing to see look back upon how I have changed and how SHM has changed in the past 6 months. I would say that you had a big hand in both of those things! First personally, you always pushed me which I am very grateful for – especially during professional development plan and personal dashboard implementation times. You’ve been a great supervisor, always giving me the room and trust to grow. I’m definitely going to miss you cheerful personality, but don’t worry, I’ll come back to visit you! J Maybe I’ll even see you around town one day…

Ashley – You’ve always been the #1 supporter of the MAs. Working closely with you has been a wonderful opportunity because you are so funny but always professional. A little secret: on days where I am trying to dress business-casual I have asked myself “Would Ashley Berger wear this?” True story. You’re a real inspiration. Thanks for letting me find my interest in Web 2.0. I think that is something I never would have found if I hadn’t worked here.

Nadia – You are a pretty funny gal. I’m glad that someone at SHM has same interests I do and that I have a trustworthy source to ask if I should invest in shoes. I am also glad that I got the chance to work closely with you towards the end, which gave me a lot more experience in different fields. You are so funny, except when you pinch me. That's not funny. But seriously, thanks for answering all 483298 daily phone calls and never hesitating to help me out personally and professionally. Hopefully next time you see me I am a part-time employee at a sweet retail joint and then if you're nice to me, I'll tell you how much my discount is. We'll see...

Katie – Although we have not worked together a lot, I’m really glad that we had some special CVB bonding. It was nice to see that although we may be different in some ways like full-timer vs. college MA, we still have a lot of similarities between us. You are hilarious and I will definitely miss your sarcasm.

Christine – Before Meredith came, it was really nice to have people who could really relate to us and all the things we were going through. I know sometimes we did not excel at exclusive membership time. I know I’m pretty folding-machine-challenged and iMIS really confuses me sometimes… but you’ve always been really patient. My mom always tells me “Patience is a virtue,” and I think that is something that really sets you apart. Good luck teaching the new MAs everything…

Vernita – Byeeeee V! I know that you will definitely miss me right away because you can’t be mean to the MAs right away. Well there is Meredith… I’ll come back to visit and don’t worry, I’ll wear something fabulous so you won’t outdo me. Keep trying thought, I appreciate the hard work. Hahaha just kidding. I mean you know you look fabulous. I had a great time these past 6 months with you sneering at me and teaching me lessons just like a mommy would.

Todd – Words cannot express the amount of things you have taught me since I’ve been here – from the big picture philosophies to the advice on the little things. I’m sure I speak for a lot people when I say I am nothing less of appreciative of the experience you give us on co-op. You never know… you might see me one day senior year in UNIV 101 – Part II…

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