Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oops...I was supposed to blog last week...

I guess the fact that I forgot is because according to Myers-Briggs, I'm only concerned with what the immediate, tangible tasks are and this wasn't on my list for last week :)

So - you posed the question "What are some things that surprised you about your personality type? Did you have trouble figuring out your type? What is one thing that didn't surprise you at all?"

I really struggled picking out my personality type. Mostly because I always considered myself an extrovert and was surprised to be typed as an introvert (FYI - I'm ISTJ). As most of you may know, Leslie does Myers-Briggs with her clients all the time and since I work with her so closely, she typed me right away. She explained the difference between intro and extro-verts as what "feeds" you, and less about whether or not you're outspoken or sociable.

After that, it made a little more sense. Here's a few dead on bullets about my work habits:
  • Prefers uninterrupted privacy
  • Enjoys structure, order and few interruptions
  • Highly values consistency and ability to work at a stead pace
  • Concentrates on meeting deadlines and timelines
So, when I seem annoyed at interruptions or "tom-foolery", now you know why :)

ISTJ was similar to a few others and I could've gone either way, until I read the potential pitfalls of "May neglect interpersonal niceties" and "May become rigid in their ways and thought of as inflexible". I knew this was right on, especially when Kari and Todd read it and laughed!

Although I was confused and in between a few different personality types at first, when Leslie, and Krystal, introduced ISTJ I was sold. The introvert side applies to me outside of work also - I prefer a pub to a noisy club atmosphere, and I focus more on the people in my life than on making new relationships. Makes sense, right?

So there you have it - Myers-Briggs wins again.

Kari - I'm still waiting for my "Get over it" tshirt :)

1 comment:

Admin said...

Haha! Katie - You can get your "Get over it" T-Shirt when I get my "I don't get it" T-shirt.