Friday, November 13, 2009

A Fine Line

It's an interesting question that was posed, where to draw the line when it comes to fun in the work place...I ponder this one a lot because on one hand, I like to have fun with the best of them (and have been accused of running a camp at times) but on the other hand, have to be the head RA and jump in if the fun is getting in the way...

I see there being a couple of key elements to consider when deciding whether or not to have a rubber band fight that includes the majority of the department :->

- Timing

What's going on when you get that it late in the day, when work is wrapping up, or is it in the middle of a Monday when we're all need deep in meetings and a lot of goings on? I think if you pause for a second, you can pretty accurately decide on whether or not it's a good time to play that prank on Meredith.

- Environment

You have to pause and take the "temperature" of the department, and sometimes the office...quite honestly, if I'm in a less than jovial mood, or if we're dealing as a group with a significant issue, it's not the time...our department has a personality and if you pause to understand it, you will start to get a sense of whether or not we're in a joking/fun mood or if it's a day to stay focused...

So...a sense of timing and the environment are two keys, and I see the third as

- Respect

Whether or not your bosses are looking over your shoulder...we usually have a pretty good sense of the amount of the work on your plate, and how well you are doing in getting through your assignments...if you show respect by working through your plate diligently, communicating with your colleagues about the status of things going on and generally giving your best effort, we like having a little fun with the best of them...that's why the phrase is "work hard, play hard" as opposed to "play hard then catch up with your plate by working hard"

Just some food for thought

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