Friday, November 20, 2009

More cheery then a Starbucks barista

1. Is your business giving your members those memorable welcomes?
I sure hope so. My most extensive interactions with members is when I answer phones. While answering phones I try and be a cheery and polite as possible, speak clearly, and try and help every call as much as I can. I dont interact directly, face-to-face, with any members but I'm sure those in the departement who do, show that we are a great orginization made up of quality people who truely care about the members.

2.How can I help my team members bring their unique brand of welcome to the business?
I think the biggest thing I can do is to help Christine as much as possible. If i can give her a hand with any tasks that she needs to complete, she can spend more time with her members who she deals with daily.

3. Whom can I welcome today?
I can welcome every person in the office! I try and say hi and hello and good morning to everyone I see because when you are polite and cheerful to someone, they are bound to show you the same back. And its a great feeling when on a rough monday you are greeted warmly.

So everyone have a safe weekend and Ill see you all on Monday.
Zip it up and zip it out.

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