Monday, May 4, 2009


"Say lawrence when you go into work on a monday and your not feeling too good does anyone ever say to you sounds like a case of the monday's?"

This is completely random but every Monday I think about this quote.. partly because I love the movie office space and also because I feel like here at SHM Monday is the day that goes by the quickest! It's probably obvious because of the Monday Morning Meeting, but still I think of this quote and how it can be hard to fall back into your weekly routine after a weekend. I also think about office space a lot because it's my first time in "Corporate America" and I hear a lot of my friends saying that movie describes their coop perfectly, whereas that isn't even close to representing SHM. I like line up a lot, and am starting to realize why we do it even more and one reason is to fight off the Monday's!! I have five more minutes of my work day today and I feel like I looked at the clock and it was 11am and now its almost 4:30pm. I love that about my days here and i'm sure many will agree with me. I think I don't blog enough because i'm always so busy, but here I am on a Monday typing away. I like how we can also make time for what we want (right Todd?) and i'm happy that i'm leaving here today with no Monday's, I can see a window from where I sit, and I don't have to worry about anyone taking my stapler. (Hopefully everyone has seen office space or that might not make sense, if you havent you should go watch now.)

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