Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Traveling Nightmares - The Bane of Many

You see, I was one of the lucky ones. I, when traveling, only took a plane once. I happened to be 5 at the time and only remember the landing of the return trip (we went to Disney world in Florida) and I'm fairly certain there wasn't much issue (it was 1996, there wasn't a huge step-up in security at the time or luggage issues). Also, I'm pretty sheltered in the fact that the farthest away I've been via road trip was to ski in west Maryland which happened to be a 5-6 hour drive.

Somehow, I have seemed to avoid all these nightmare travel situations. Will I avoid them for my whole life? Probably not. Do I hope to avoid them for my whole life? Of course.

The only think I can think of as being a traveling nightmare was a 50 minute train ride becoming a 9 hour train ride. This happened just after the first major snowfall of last years winter. power lines were covering the tracks and so my train decided it would be a good idea to just sit for about 5 hours. They were stuck between tacking us back to Baltimore or waiting it out. After letting people off the train, NOT EVEN AT A STOP, they decided to take it slowly through the tracks. 4 hours after that, I was in Philly, at 4 in the morning.

I dint consider this a 'nightmare' because I had far to many ways to entertain myself (I'm a gamer, got my portable games with me, and a smart phone) so i just thought of it as 50 minutes of playtime in comfortable seats becoming 9 hours of playtime in comfortable seats.

In the future, if I ever get into any travel nightmares, I will always have entertainment devices with me. They make the wait or the hassle so much easier, especially because you can take your anger out on digital bad guys.

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