Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

My worst traveling experience was my road trip to Florida a few years back. My parents are obsessed with Disney World, so I used to go there 1 or 2 times a year, switching between driving and taking a plane. Well sitting in a car with 4 other people, one being my 4 year old brother, is painful. My sister likes to sing every song on the radio in her terrible opera voice while my brother asks repeatedly, "Are we there yet?" I, of course, am not annoying at all ;) I just sit there quietly listening to my CD PLAYER. Yea Scott and Jamie i bet you were listening to them then too!

Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come. After a few hours, our van got a flat tire. It just so happened it was in a little southern town who believed everything should be closed on Sunday. Two of the closest gas stations were closed, all the restaurants, and stores. After paying a guy extra money to open his shop, we were back on the road 5 hours later. Later in Georgia, my mom got food poisoning and the hotel we were supposed to stay at lost our reservation. Needless to say, that is the last roadtrip i will ever take!

Suggestions for Meredith: coloring books are all you need

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