Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Leaf

I really wanted to get more involved and have more responsibility at SHM. Whether that came in the form of assisting Wendy more, owning the Fellows applications or something completely different. It's sort of hard for me to pin point what my work will be - though I know the workload will definitely change from what it was last month to what I am working on now.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


During the MA check-in lunch, I was asked what I would like to experience while I was still here. I began speaking and then was quickly cut-off and assigned a task that had nothing to do with what I really wanted. The next Monday I had to lead the M&M Weekly Meeting with a stomach full of butterflies and shaking knees. I'm not saying the discomforting assignment wasn't a good learning experience. I'm just trying to say if I was listened to I might have been doing something with Kat in graphic design instead.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I love cookies

Well I said I wanted to write a press release.
I wrote one today and edited another one.
And i get to write somecontent for the website in Jan.

New Task

Last week I had a Q.I. team meeting and Wendy had mentioned to the team and myself if I would like to join my team in on their call logs they have with their Mentors. These calls are about updates on medicine, applications, and anything new with their orginizations. Every call has different topics to discuss about each time.

My first call to listen in/ take notes on will be on January 6th!

Instead of sitting at my desk, doing work on the computer all day long, this is finally something different that interests me and I will get to learn new things.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Last week we had another check-in lunch. What is the one thing you talked about wanting to work more on this month?

Puja - what is something that interests you and you would like to be more involved with during your co-op?

Friday, December 17, 2010



Last spring break I went to visit my mom in Hawaii for a week. I drove her car, ate her food, surfed every day and sky dived. This picture is a view of Waikiki after hiking up Diamond head. It would've been better if I brought a friend - any volunteers?

Ideally, this year I would be in Monte Carlo when the seasons change. Why? Yachting, gambling, Formula 1 racing, palaces...ahhh paradise

Spring Break!

(Carnival Victory)

For Spring 2010, I went on a 7 day cruise to the Carribean Islands with my family. This was a carnival cruise with parties every night, 18+ club, shows, and food 24/7. Every morning we got off at different Islands. The cruise started out in San Juan, Puerto Rico and the 7 Islands I visited on this trip were: Barbados, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Dominica, St. Lucia and St. Martin. I've been on carnival cruises before but this one was by far the best one yet!

(Santorini, Greece)

For spring break 2011, I want to take a trip down to Miami with my girl friends. If not that, I would love to go to Greece with my family! :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Anguilla, BVI.

No question about this one.
I would be in Anguilla, at Malliouhana , laying in a lounge chair on the beach, light breeze, a mimosa in my left hand.

Anguilla is in the british virgin islands, malliouhana is the name of the resort we stay at.
I would give my left arm to be there right now....but whole arm...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Classes will dull your mind, destroy the potential for authentic creativity." - A Beautiful Mind

Most classes at Drexel that "teach" leadership, management and strategy seem so self explanatory and obvious. Not once in a crisis have I thought "Now what did I learn in Business 102 that would help with this?"

I believe these particular set of skills one is either born with, or more often than not is acquired through much experience.

SHM has taught me that to be a leader, one must be respected by their colleagues. Good management means great motivation and strategy is also known as "What if.."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fun post!

So apparently, Spring Break is on a lot of peoples' minds. It's still a few months away, but the earlier you plan, the more $ you save.

If you could go
anywhere for spring break, where would you go, and why? Also, what was your favorite spring break trip ever and why?

Two "spring breaks" ago, I went to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida with 9 other girlfriends of mine. Although we got in a ton of trouble when we got home (don't get me started), we had the time of our lives and are looking to go back for one of the 9 girls' bachelorette party! Lulu's Bait Shack was the highlight of the trip.

Last year for spring break, 18 of us rented a house in the Outer Banks. It was the first road trip I ever went on with friends, and although it wasn't super warm (we did get some tanning in though!), it was such a memorable trip. First road trip with friends, first vacation with the new boyfriend, and the house had a 18 seat movie theater. Could it have gotten any better? Nah.

If I could go anywhere I wanted this year, it would be either Greece or Australia, two of my top places to visit before I can't visit anywhere anymore. I have a Google document of places I want to go, with pictures to go along with them. Here are some of my favorites (click the links for pictures)....the list is much longer than this.

Napa Valley, California

Amalfi Coast, Italy


Bora Bora

Friday, December 10, 2010


I've learn a lot about time management all throughout my freshman year. The transition from high school to college was tough. The hardest part of it all was learning how to manage time! To help myself I made a weekly to do list every week, avoided distractions, and set goals.

Here at SHM, I depend on my calendar on Microsoft Outlook. The little alarms remind me to get my work done when it needs to be done. I hardly get distracted since my desk is away from everyone else so there's never a day where I don't get my work done.

A great way to manage time is not to create impossible situations!

Do you have what it takes?

I think that in order to be a leader, you need to be able to correctly manage time and people as well as strategize. I learned that being a leader is about wisely delegating tasks and and taking care of your responsibilities. Also you must plan ahead, and always think at least 3 steps ahead of you current position. If you don't take orders, this drill sergeant will make you suffer.

Im nott listeeningg to you!!

I have learned that I hate not being the leader. I hate taking direction from my peers, it's annoying generally. I find that if people are unqualified to be giving direction and leading it is best not to listen to them. I love listening to my bosses though : )
Wait that's a super mean sounding post.
I have learned about management, specifically time management. There is not enough time in the day to do everything, so delegate, figure it out, keep a neat to-do list, and set realistic goals.


Monday, December 6, 2010

I've learned that leadership is more than just being the most out-spoken or the opinion leader in a group. It is about volunteering to be the individual with the most responsibility on a team.
Management, is not about telling others what to do and making sure they get it done. It's creating of a positive team that will help work for any goal.
And strategy is the planning that goes behind all of it!

Is this real life?

General business classes at Drexel drill things like leadership, management, and strategy down our throat. Learning these things in a classroom is completely different than learning them in real life.

What have you learned about one, or all of these things, during your time here at SHM?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Long Term Goals

My long term professional goal is to become a Surgical Nurse and work in one of the top hospitals in the United States(must be in the CITY). My long term personal goal is to stay in shape even when I'm 70! Great health leads to a better life. :)

Live long and prosper.

Long term personal goal: I subscribe to the belief that a happy life is a complete life. If by the time I reach old age I am still smiling, then I consider that fulfillment of my personal goal. To sum up my personal goal in one quotation I have to turn to Shakespeare, "This above all to thine own self be true..."

Long term proffesional goal: Never hate what I'm doing. If I hate work, leave. If I love work, stay and take over the company. Never stop trying to do better, to be better, and to beat the best.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Personally, then Professionally

My biggest personal goal has always been to buy my parents a house once they're retired.

As far as professionally, if I stumble upon a career which pays me to do things people do for fun (ie. travel, eat, read) then I'd consider my goal (love what you do) accomplished.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Money in the Bank, Shorty What You Drank

My long-term personal and professional goals are pretty much the same. I wanna make a bank. Cash checks and break necks. Throughout my life, I have gone through different phases of what I would want to be when I get older, from doctor to pro-football player I thought about it all. I have settled on one field that I think that I really want to go into. That field is Law. I really would like to be a corporate or contractual lawyer 10 years down the road from now.

Thanksgiving Work Load/Plans

I had only worked two days last week, but I did not have a hard time at all making sure that anything that I needed to get done got done. It was a pretty slow week in membership though, so that contributed to it.
For Thanksgiving I went to my aunts house in Long Island, and was so lucky that I got to sit in traffic for over 5 hours that day, but on the other hand it was good to see my family.
My favorite turkey day dish is this concoction of string beans, cheese, carrots, and frizzled onions. Turkey sucks.

I'm sorry Miss, I was absent the day you assigned goals...?

This is easy. i came up with this goal this weekend actually but ive always thought about. Now, it's just a matter of time.

My biggest personal long term goal and my biggest professional long term goal go hand in hand. I want to build a house on a tropical island as a vacation home. I'll have my private helicopter take me there whenever i want. It will be grand. And my biggest professional long term goal is to have a job awesome enough so that i can buy an island! One day :) ...

... and if things dont go according to plan i will move in with my mom and dig a moat.

Food is so good.

Hi guys!
Well I managed my workload by telling everyone that I was going to be out and getting as much as was humanly possible done the Friday I left for Barcelona.
This Thanksgiving was completely different than what I am used to as I was in Spain with my sister and all of her friends. To stay in the holiday spirit, we all attempted to create an American thanksgiving. It was hilarious and delicious!
I do have to say, however, that I missed the food and the USA! What is my favorite dish? Everything.

Reach for the stars

Welcome back from Barcelona, Kinsey!
I hope everyone had a nice few days off from work. I know I hated hearing my alarm at 8am this morning. Anyways, let's get to serious things.

What is your biggest personal long term goal?
What is your biggest professional long term goal?

I answered this question last year, and I said my biggest long term goal was to move to Los Angeles by the time I'm 24 or 25...seeing as I'm already 23...I don't see this happening until I'm at least 28. Ohhhh wellll. Okay bye.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tofurkey anyone?

This whole time of year is generally a frenzy. Back to back holidays means having to manage your time/projects at work to ensure things don't get pushed to the back burner. It's a challenge to stay focused when there's constant parties and feasts but that's why time management is key.

I'm not a big Thanksgiving person and my family doesn't really have a tradition around it. Generally Black Friday is a bigger deal - outlets open at midnight, King of Prussia opens at 4am. The past 3 years running my cousins and I have been on some news station where you see the crazies in line waiting for the doors to open. Yup, I'm one of those.

Andddddd I can't say no to stuffing or cornbread. Not sure I've ever eaten Turkey before but I hear it makes you pretty sleepy.

Grandma's Cornbread!!!

I had a project that probably should have taken me 2 to 3 days that i finished in one. Other than that, I've finished all my work. Now, I'm just planning things, like the Past MA Holiday Party, the Drexel Co-op Interviews, and my vacation.

As far as Thanksgiving, I think my mom, brother, and I are going to my aunt's. We don't have any other tradition besides having dinner.

What im sort of excited for is black friday. I've never been out on black friday before. ive always had to work. This time i hope to go shopping with one of my friends but i have no clue what to expect.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

I have a project and Newsletter to finish by the first week of December, which is the end of next week! I'm using my time wisely and having lunch at my desk for these three days. Secondly, I do not celebrate thanksgiving, but spending the break with my family will be awesome. We always do lots of shopping on black friday, can't wait! Hopefully I get my new blackberry over break(left it in a cab when I was...).

2 More days till break! Awwwwh YEAH!

1. Given that we have a 3 day work week, how are you managing your work load in three days as opposed to five?

2. What are your plans for the upcoming holiday weekend/Black Friday? Does your family have a Thanksgiving tradition?

3. What is your favorite Turkey Day dish & why?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sick Day

How do I compensate in the office when someone is out sick?
If one of the MA's were out I suppose the morning membership stack may be a little heavier, but fortunately, we don't depend on one another too much. The only occurrence that would be detrimental to my productivity is if Ashley was out because then I would have no direction. If that ever happened, which I don't expect it ever will, I'd go to Jacqui to see what's up and what I should be working on.
If I needed a sick day, I would call up Ashley, let her know, and the next day I'd pick up the slack from when I was out.

When I was out sick...

Usually when Lauren or Wendy are attending out of state conferences, I do my everyday work and then Taylor or Ann would give me other work to catch the team up! Therefore, if one of my team members were out sick, I would handle the situation the same way.

When I was out sick, I called Lauren first thing! I was out two days this week, Monday and Tuesday! When I got back, I replied to all my e-mails first. Then I worked on the most important tasks first to the least important.

"Tis healthy to be sick sometimes.” - Henry David Thoreau

My only hope is this year Swine Flu doesn't knock every other employee out (ie. my last co-op).

The important thing to remember when people get sick is nobody actually wants to be sick, so by just pitching in and picking up the slack things go easier for everyone.

I do a lot to prevent sickness - evident in my drawer full of daily supplements, but it happens to the best of us. Best approach is calling John ASAP and letting Meredith know as well.

Out Sick

Well, when DeeDee is out sick like she was yesterday, she just had me do my daily routine. Once I finished my day to day duties. I took care of work that John and Wendy had assigned to me in wake of DeeDee's absence.

If I'm sick, I would notify Meredith and DeeDee as soon as I realize that I am not in the condition to work. So far so good.

When returning from being sick, I would handle my workload, by prioritizing the most important things and figuring out what needs to get done first.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Communication is key!

I suppose if someone were out sick, let's say JP, I would shoot her a text/e-mail, ask her to spell out exactly what I can do to help, and do my best to make sure everything ran smoothly.

If I were out sick, I would contact my lovely fellow co-ops, let them know my situation and describe to them the work i would really appreciate them helping me out with while I was out.
I would also call JP, let her know, and ring Miss Meredith Meyers.
When i returned to work I would thank the guys who helped out, check in with JP, and get back on top of my work!

That is all!
Just some good ol responsible communication!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The MA Website

Sorry for the late reply, but this is for last weeks question!

A project to use as an example would be the MA website! I'd say the most challenging part was when all of us had different opinions for the logo name until we finally came up with the one we have now (OuReality). To get there, we went through a few different names and decide as a team if we ALL liked it or not. Not just the name, but the design of the logo too. I created a bunch of different styles for "OuReality" until everyone liked the one we all approved on. In the end, it's not just one person's idea and another's approval; it's everyone's!

Winter is creeping around the corner, which means people are indefinitely going to get sick. I was sick a few weeks ago, Puja was sick this week...It's bound to happen. That being said...

When people in the office are out sick, how do you pick up the slack? What about if you're the one that's out sick? How do you handle your workload when you come back into the office?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Team work makes the Dream work

Group work at SHM has been inconsistent with my past experiences. Specifically the group dynamic of: one person does all the work, one person takes all the credit, one person never answers their phone/texts/emails, etc etc etc.

The tasks I've been assigned to work on in a group here have all been an equal effort filled with meaningful challenges. The main difference is I feel here, we support each other towards success. Even if the project is something not-so-fun, the group tackles the issue together and makes the experience rewarding.

Only Great Minds Think Alike

I usually like to be a One-Man Wolf Pack, but I know that teamwork is an important tool for success. Whether you're a pro athlete, a garbage man, or a marketing assistant, you need teamwork to get the job done. However, there are issues that could rise out of working together; the most blaring issue that I see is that people are going to have differences of opinion a lot of the time, but I have learned to solve that issue, simply through compromise.

Love is a many splendored thing

The trouble with group projects here is really just that you have four or five of us slated to manage a project and produce results, and all of us have very strong opinions. We were hired for a reason, specifically that none of us are passive, un-opinionated, boring people. There is a delicate balance that we try to maintain by choosing our battles wisely and I can proudly report that, thus far, we are all still a happy family.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Everyone knows at SHM we're about teamwork. There are frequent meetings, and projects that take more than one or two brains to complete.

What are some challenges you have faced since being here, when working in a group as opposed to working with one other person, or even alone?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Eathworm Jim

Yeah, there's pretty valuable realestate in my closet being taken up by old gaming systems. Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Game Boys galore, N64, Nitendo ES, Xbox, and Xbox 360... I DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES AT ALL. I grew out of that phase a while ago, but they're still there and they're not going anywhere. You never know when you'll get the hankering to play some Sonic.

I was Peter Parker. It was great.


First off I would like to let everyone know that i was Bear Grylls for Halloween and my adventure was surviving Halloween at Penn State. I made it out alive.

I have a cigar box that my dad gave me, that is filled with random things that an 8 year old kid would put in it. I have never removed anything from it and have to force it closed every time. I honestly don't know why I still have it, but to this day, I still add to my collection of things inside of it, ranging from cool looking coins, to random keys and stickers that i thought might one day come in handy.
At some point when I was in high school, I was really into making collages. I found a shoebox, a roll of masking tape, scissors, and a ton of Seventeen Magazines.

To this day, sitting on a shelf on my desk is a colorful, collage covered shoebox. Inside are notes, letters, postcards and greeting cards. Some notes are folded like origami, some a crumpled up, some are written in highlighter or gel pens, I could go on and on.

I have letters that go as far back as third grade, when I moved away from Avalon and my best friend (of 17 years) and I became pen pals. I have letters as recent as college, my friend Sean liked to write rap songs for me during English classes.

I don't think I could ever throw that box, or anything inside of it away. It's one of the things that I would grab if my house was on fire, for sure.

The remnants of old relationships...oy vey!

So this is pretty self explanatory.
I am not one of those girls who throws away all of the t-shirts, jewelry, cards, etc. when a relationship has come to a close.
I keep it all.

I have a box at home (in connecticut) with literally every card, poem, note a boy has ever written me.

I think it is equal parts therapy/destructive.

On one hand, I can look back and see how much someone cared for me at one point and it is reassurance that yes! it is possible to be adored! I can also look back and feel good that I got over whatever heartache I felt at the time.
On the other hand, part of moving on is getting rid of all that junk, what sane person wants to be reminded of days spent crying in bed with ice-cream and a pasture of dirty kleenex littered about everywhere?

Bottom line. I am keeping it all so that one day I can document it and put in writing all of the lessons I have learned and will learn from all of the stupid men in this world.

Where do you think delicious girly summer books come from?

This is the first song for your mixtape.

I have a serious stack of CDs I burned throughout middle school/high school of the oddest collection of artists - from System of a Down to Jimmy Eat World to Josie and the Pussycats. ((Meredith got a taste of my mix one day in the car, she can testify it's a bit bizzare)) Most of these CDs by now are scratched and skipping tracks when I play them but for some reason I can't bring myself to chuck them out. Call it nostalgia or silly preteen pride in my music choice, the discs collect in my car and amass anywhere I move.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Everything from my first relationship.

Basically what Kinsey said, but only stuff from my very first relationship which lasted almost two years. I have every card, letters, gifts, and pictures saved in a box at home. Your firsts are always hard to forget about especially if the relationship lasted that long!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fun question time:

What is one item that you really should throw away, but probably never will?

I'm going to go home and look around to find something I've had for ages that I will never throw away, and I'll answer this question too.

I also expect some good Halloween stories! What did you dress up as?

I Remember when...

...he was quiet and reserved.

Remembered as me.

Just being rememebered in general would be nice. For what specifically I don't really care, but I want to be memorable just being who I am.

Stay tuned.

I plan on pulling off the best prank ever. Hide your kids, hide your wife - cuz I could be trickin' everybody round here

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

e-Newsletter MASTER

I want to be known as by far the BEST e-NEWSLETTER CREATOR the Q.I. Department ever had :)

Jedi Master

Besides the MA website, i would like to be known as the iMIS Master

Monday, October 25, 2010

One Step At A Time - Jordan Sparks

Couldn't find anything closer, but this song somewhat relates to me! It's about taking things slow to get to your goals in life.
The lyrics are in there!
Todd is always talking about the one thing you want to be known for when you walk out of these doors so we can say "I knew them when...."

What is the one thing you want to go down in history for at SHM?
(you can't all say the MA website)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Striking a Chord

I wouldn't say this song exactly describes me, although I can relate myself to this song. I can put this song on and drift in to oblivion. This song for some reason strikes a chord inside, so I thought it would be a good song to put up.

RIP John Lennon

Anxious & Worrying

I don't think of it as my favorite song but hands down it is the most played song on my iTunes.

Anxious & Worrying by Defiance, Ohio

People that are more than just acquaintances in my life will know that I can't sit still. Sure, I'm a little antsy but not just hyperactive, ADD too. It's easy to be content with what you have in life, but I can never find such contemptment. Things in my life get old rather quickly. You could say I'm guilty of getting bored with the friends around me and the places that I seem to end up in. I can't just sit inside and spend the day watching television. I think video games are the biggest waste of time. My mind wanders to what is outside the four walls that seem to always be around me. There's something about missing out on things that really irks me, so I try not to miss out on anything.

Some of my favorite lyrics are in this song. They go a lil sumptin like dis:
"Everything is magic until it becomes routine
In your bedroom, on the road, or in the corners of your dreams
and I sure hope we aren't just spinning our wheels.
Whatever happens I think you should know that I'm just glad it feels like anything at all."
-Defiance, Ohio

"Who I Am"

This song isn't typical of the music I listen to, but I heard it growing up and think it describes me really well. It's all about knowing who you are, where you're from and which people matter in life. Lyrics are in the video :)

The Kinsey Equation

I love this song, I love this show, I love Barbra Streisand, and I love Lea Michele.
So when the four came together it was a wonderful synthesis of all things Kinsey.
The song is called "Don't Rain on My Parade" from the musical Funny Girl.
It is a classic and the most feel good song that has ever been written.
I absolutely adore this song.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Time for a fun blog post.

This is going to be your very first VIDEO POST.

Post a video (either together or separately) answering the following question however creatively you want to:

Pick a song that describes you. Why does it describe you?


Friday, October 8, 2010



I worked in a Italian restaurant for 3 years during high school. I brought two life lessons away from that experience; how to deal with change and how not to over cook the seafood cioppino. You have to learn on the fly and be prepared for what comes at you in the fast-paced, high-stressed environment which is restaurant work. And for that reason... change is scary. We are content (just as the rest of the introverted, right sided, conservative Americans) with a quiet life and a mundane work life. We are content and satisfied, but we aren't living.

Since, I've left the security of my part time job at the local, family owned, Italian restaurant and set my eyes on what's out there. This summer's travelings brought me all over the east coast and the second half of the summer brought me all over the west coast. I was given those opportunities because I did the unthinkable and quit what I had know for my entire working life, the sweaty, fish, cigarette, and tomato sauce aroma of the old grind. It was the best change I ever made "career wise".

Every opportunity that arises I say yes to. What are you going to learn sitting at your desk checking facebook every five minutes? Change brings you excitement. I want an exciting life. I don't want to be afraid of what's around the corner. Break out of your shell, step outside your comfort zone, experience what life throws your way. Sure you'll make some mistakes ... just try not to let people notice. ;)

The key to change is to let go of fear

Dealing with the changes occuring here at SHM, I know I wont have trouble adjusting to the changes because I'm great with adjusting to change. In my previous jobs there weren't many changes occuring there so I didn't really have to adjust to much but I like new beginings! I like starting fresh and having different tasks. The best part about change is trying new things so it's not the same old routine everyday especially at a work place.

Changes occur everyday whether if it's personal or professional change. It's not something you can just ignore, but instead you have to adjust to it. People make decisions every second of the day, sometimes quickly, sometimes with thought, but not always do we make the right ones and we want a do over. You have to let go of your fear and past to adjust to whatever is present and start fresh.

Lets face it; we have to if we want to remain relevant in today's world!

"If you don't create change, change will create you."

I would consider myself a "roll with the punches" person, therefore the only way I feel about change is that I know to expect it. Some changes are for the better, some for the worse (I'd like to think there's always a silver lining).

Working after school jobs in high school that dealt with kids, retail and the restaurant business meant constant changes. It came in many forms, whether a person I depended on during the job didn't come through or an event threw the entire team off (ie. my Manager at Hollister getting fired for sexual harassment/my family's restaurant catching on fire, etc.)

While I do tend to get comfortable with the way things are, I am generally positive about the way things can be and therefore welcome changes.

Monday, October 4, 2010

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom. ~Confucius

Oh, yes. I have experienced sudden change at work. The second day of my internship at Carolee, a Connecticut based jewelry company, the head of sales correspondence was "let go for personal reasons." Very mysterious.

Either way, one other intern and I had to fill in for her immediately. It was rough, but this forced us to learn incredibly quickly and, more importantly, to not be scared of change.

Like Greg, I do NOT like change. I like knowing what to expect and when to expect it. If changes are going to made I like to be in full control of them.

That's not to say I don't appreciate spontaneity, because I do, but only if I'm the one being spontaneous. ((See photo of spontaneous fishing adventure above))

Spare Some Change

Aside from being new and adjusting to a job, I can't say that I have ever really ever experienced any major changes during my previous jobs. I think that I will handle the changes well, judging from the people that work here, the incoming employees will almost immediately feel comfortable working here.

I typically do not adjust well to changes in general, and like to keep a routine that I almost strictly follow, but if I feel that the change is for the better then I am all for it. For example I was not crazy about the idea of having a whole summer off and then working in the fall, I thought I could figure out a way to stay on summer break for as long as possible. After my interview here though, I got excited about the prospect of working for SHM, and really thought it would be a great place to work. The summer is now clearly over and here I am, luckily working for SHM. This was a big change for me, it gave me a new outlook on the whole Co-op experience and realized that I can indeed enjoy my job. I would like to thank SHM for providing me with a work environment that I truely enjoy being in.

I don't know about you, but I have a serious case of the Monday's today. It's Recruitment week for sororities at Drexel, which means I will be getting very little sleep this week. I'll be on campus until 11pm at the earliest on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No classes on Tuesday is saving my life right now. I will sleep all day if I have to.

Moving on...

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. If you haven't been able to tell by now, the office is going through some changes in hiring new staff and transitioning with people leaving (coughVERNITAcough). That being said, here is your question for the week:

Have you ever experience a change in the work-place before?
If yes, how did you learn from it?
If no, how do you think you will handle the changes happening at SHM?
And for everyone: How do you feel about change in general, whether it has to do with work, your personal life, etc.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Starting Up

Reflecting back on the first week, I thought the orientation process was excellent. I really appreciated the opportunity to get to know everyone in the department. My friends who are on co-op at other jobs didn't have that opportunity, they started work right away. I think that getting to know everybody is very important for incoming MA's or full time employees, because it instantly makes the new guy feel welcome and more comfortable.

Some things that I found was that Ann has gone sky diving about 7 times, Kinsey refuses to lose, Mike is secretly a criminal mastermind, and John threw javelin. I don't think I have ever met anyone who carries these traits. Its great to have such cool people working around me, and wish that there were more people like this in my past jobs as well as future jobs.

I still can't stress how enjoyable it is to work here and I look forward to the next 5.5 months here.

Happy October!

Hard to believe that our second week here at SHM is coming to an end. On one hand I feel like I've learned so much and met so many people yet realize there's still so much to come!

Having gone through a second week without our morning schedules, I can honestly say I miss it - great idea to have structure on days when everything is new and you're overwhelmed. Definitely a key point to the Orientation Process.

If I could improve on any one thing during our first week here, I would suggest emphasizing more on how important all the reading materials are that were given to us. The Survival Guide and Membership Binders should be assigned as "Homework" to read after the first day.

Hm..what have I learned about my fellow M.A.s thus far?

Mike: Musically inclined, used to play Baseball, is putting together his sweet "Bachelor Pad"

Greg: My go-to sports reference guy! Very helpful thus far in my plight to understand Football

Kinsey: Neeeeeds to have her breakfast ASAP in the AMs, enjoys changing up her Nail Polish regularly

Cheers to a great second week and a whole new month!
I like how orientation dedicated a large part of the week to getting to know other people in the office. Becoming closer with the full-timers here before we dove into learning made the process more comfortable. I would have been nervous asking a stranger a question, but no one was a stranger by the time I had a question. This is a small office but I feel like I was only given the chance to get to know people in my department. I would have liked to have gotten the chance to get to know everyone so that I know the persons name that I am standing next to at the water cooler. Also, I didn't start learning until I started doing. I want to be fully immersed in what happens so I can learn more about what we do.

I've learned a lot about the people I'm working with, as well. Ann has battle scars everywhere and a story for each, Kinsey has a remarkable ability to beat everyone at everything, and Greg has a great taste in music. Puja can sleep more than anyone I know and yet is still constantly tired. Everyone I work with is great and I'm glad we've bonded because that makes this experience even better!


SHM's orientation was very well organized. The meetings for every department helped me get a better background of SHM. One thing that could be improved in the orientation process would be to include an all staff meeting the first day of work. I feel like I still don't know some of the employers here and I may not even get to know a few of them on a more personal level. Therefore it would have been pleasant for a get together on the first day to introuduce ourselves. Overall SHM is awesome, I love it here! :)

A rainy day post.

I know this is going to sound rediculous, but I think the team at SHM has perfected the orientation process. Taking a week to ensure we have our footing before "real work" starts is very helpful. Obviously using prizes like gift cards is good incentive for some of the more competitive people in the office...((not anyone I know)) The orientation week removes a large portion of the stress that comes with starting a new adventure in a new place with lots of new people. Cheers to all those who helped us out last week!

As far as fun facts go, I think John wins with his javelin throwing history. That being said I learned tons of fun facts in the last two weeks!

Make the rain go away!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Good morning friends...

This morning is so rainy and dreary, but I hope everyone had a nice weekend while it was hot and sticky out.

So I am going to make this weeks' question a 2-part question.

What is one thing you would improve about SHM's orientation process?
What are some of the most interesting fun facts you learned about your co-workers?

Friday, September 24, 2010

You like cupcakes? Let's be friends.

Hellohello everyone, first and foremost thanks for a great first week at SHM! This being my second co-op experience (last fall I worked for ACE Insurance as a Reinsurance Contract Analyst...snore) I can definitely say I am very excited to work with a group of passionate, interesting and professional folks such as yourselves.

Honestly I didn't know what to expect when I accepted the position- but everything so far has pleasantly surprised me. No complaints about office lunches, office outings to the Zoo or pizza parties either!

In these next six months I really hope to learn more about the Society, the field of marketing (I'm currently studying Economics at Drexel so it's a bit beyond my comfort zone) and improve my networking skills overall.

Anything else you'd like to know, just ask! (...But maybe make sure I've had my morning coffee first) Until then, grab and enjoy a cupcake in the Hub from Flying Monkey!

Here's to many more days in paradise!

These are my two favorite things. Scrabble and Simba ((my 4 pound toy maltese))

What did I think? Well, I will answer that question by telling you what I know. I know that I spent my second day of work at the zoo getting my face painted ((like a butterfly)) with my fellow MA's. I know my friends spent the second day of work bored/hungry/etc. I also know that it is day 5 and I can recite fun and interesting facts about the majority of the department. I know my friends are scarcely familiar with their bosses. Need I say more?

I have many hopes for the next six months of my life. To begin, I hope I can get my lazy behind to the gym every day, make a point to prepare dinner at least 4 days per week, and I hope the new season of Glee is mind blowing ((fingers crossed)). Other than that, I hope to leave SHM having solidified my interest in marketing, gained an understanding of how a company like SHM operates, and hopefully have a list of likes and dislikes to help hone in on what my future career might look like. In the process hopefully I can make some friends and get some business cards because ultimately this experience is about networking.

That is all!

What I think and what I want!

It went by fast! It's Friday and I'm really happy. This first week at SHM fully exceeded my expectations. I knew that this was a fun office, but what I didn't expect was how much effort everyone puts into making it such a great place to go to work everyday. I've had an amazing time at the zoo, in our personal 101 classes, and at the kickball game. My friends back at school are so jealous. Towards the end of the week though, I am so restless to dive in and become a part of this team. I'm really excited.

I am looking forward to taking away a great deal from this experience. I want to learn more about myself and what I feel I am good at. I'm hoping that maybe I'll be more positive about what I want to concentrate in during school. Meredith described to us how she became noticeably more mature throughout her coop and I am looking to grow, as well. I want to become a well rounded individual that has a lot to offer those around him. By the end of these six months, I expect to learn at least one thing from every person in this office. Not only that, but I want to step outside my comfort zone and try things I've never thought I'd be doing before. I think everyone here should be that type of support group for one another to help them step outside their comfort zone and experience what life, and its opportunities, has to offer.

Thoughts and Goals

Over the course of my first week here, I realized how much I am going to enjoy my co-op with SHM. I never thought that a working environment like this existed. I still can't get over how awesome the people are here. I really like the family atmosphere of the company. A place where strangers do not exist.

During the next six months I would like to get a good feel for what it is like in the marketing industry, as well as understanding the working environment. I look forward to making a friends with the people here. There are many skills that I would like to work on such as time management, prioritizing, leadership, and efficiency.

With that a side, the weekend is here! My goal for this weekend is Powellton, Cheese steaks, and watching Boardwalk Empire and the new season of Eastbound and Down.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First week at SHM!

When I first walked into this office for my interview, right away I thought of IKEA! I love the furniture and decorations.

I really enjoyed my first week here at SHM, especially the zoo trip on second day of work! The employers here are very friendly and I find the QI team to be humorous and laid back.

Six months from now I know I'll gain a lot of experience from SHM by doing research for projects, creating news letters and using new programs on the computer. Also listening in on teleconferences will definitely help me learn about some latest health care related issues, which will benefit me in my future clinical courses at a hospital.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Welcome to Collective Reality, and congratulations on completing week one of co-op!

What did you think?
What do you hope to learn in the next six months?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Last Lecture

Happy 2 days until my birthday!


This is a week of mixed emotions for all of us. The current MAs are leaving us to move on to 6 months of school, and new ones come in less than a week from today.

Since it's your last week, take some time to say your goodbyes in this weeks' post. Think of it as your "Last Lecture." This is meant to be your final thoughts on your co-op experience. What thoughts would you like to leave behind - to those who are still here? To those starting shortly after you? To those to come a year from now?

Give this some time, and some thought. These are your final thoughts so they should be well thought out and demonstrate internal reflection.

Here is my post from when I was an MA and did my last lecture. You can use it as an example of what I'm looking for from all of you this week:

I think SHM is great. I like the people and their teaching methods. I think the layout of the building is great. The interior decorating gives off an air of the office being a fun, inventive place to work. Very bright and colorful.

The coolest place I've been to eat was for my birthday last night. Zhara. Middle eastern food. I ate glands of a cow. It tasted like chicken.

Side note. I missed gossip girl and I'm really mad

Late post because I'm lame.

Hmm...I guess I would improve SHM internally by providing more ways for the staff to get to know each other. There are a couple of people that I hardly know and it would have been nice to have different opportunities to get to know the staff. I think that when you know people on a personal level, it makes it easier and more comfortable to work with them. For example, the benefair at the beach was really fun and gave me a chance to bond with some peeps. And win a free lunch reimbursement (which I'm using today btw)

As for cool places I've eaten, Fogo de Chao was AMAZING. It's really expensive, but soooo worth it. I'd suggest going there for graduation or some kind of special occasion like that. I'ts a Brazilian steakhouse where you pay a certain price per person (I think $80) and they give you a coaster that is green on one side and red on the other side. Pretty much, if your coaster is flipped to the green side, waiters swarm you with long skewers of steak and chicken and steak and steak until you flip to the red side and they leave you alone to your mountain of food. It was perfect for me because I'm a carnivore. You order sides seperately, it's not all meat. Everything was really good and that was the most full I think I've ever been. Highly recommended. For something cheaper, I heard that Osteria Pizza is really good too. I saw it on the food network and I was like...drooling.

And now I'm hungry.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Before I start, Dan, your post made me laugh out loud. Thank you for all of the great tips on places to go and eat.

What I would like to change about SHM is to have more office events outside of work...which are starting to happen. I think that people are excited to know their co-workers outside of work on a personal level through kick ball and outings after work. I know that the Blue color team is working on a few ideas, so when these events are in place I think there will be more interaction and a cohesiveness feeling throughout the office.

I have a favorite Chinese place in Chinatown if that counts :) It is called Imperial Inn and I get the Imperial treat, and it is delicious. If you like to try new things I would recommend going to BookBinders and having their amazing Tortoise soup. I am hoping to try the Melting Pot as well as this Irish restaurant called Fado, and that is in center city.
1. I would place the BST co-op under a single supervisor, who feeds them all their assignments. I'm perfectly happy to handle the amount of tasks I was given, but it often got confusing what the priorities were on them, since they were coming from Mari, Scott, Joy, Andrew, Jack, and/or Lubna while she was here. I think it would have been easier to figure out the priorities if they all came from one mouth.

2. Alright, food. Now we're talking my talk. I know my way around Philly's restaurants.

For lunch fare: Square Burger. No questions. Nice little quiet burger shack up in Franklin Square, over at 6th/Race. Great burgers, fair price, and some ridiculous lemonade (I'm so glad they finally added a large size, I used to finish mine before my burger was done on a regular basis) and if you're feeling particular disdain for your waistline that day, try out the cake shake. Vanilla milkshake, caramel swirl, and a tastycake butterscotch krimpet, all blended into a single dessert that proudly announces to the world "Eh, I'll start my diet tomorrow." I've yet to try this monstrosity myself, as I find the very idea intimidating, but I feel like I've put on a few pounds just by knowing it exists. At this time of year, when it's nice and sunny, but not too hot, it's perfect to grab a burger, some fries and a lemonade, sit right next to the fountain and hang out with some friends.Plus, you can finish up with a round of minigolf afterward, and everyone loves minigolf.

Dinner: I can heartily second Cassidy's recommendation for the sushi bar (I assume she's referring to Mizu.)  Also a fan of Rustica, for Pizza, up at Poplar and 2nd. I recommend getting a small pie though, servings are generous. Meredith's recommendation of homeslice, a few blocks up, by the Piazza, was also worth checking out. Han Dynasty, Front and Chestnut, for Chinese.

For drinks: I'm a fan of Nodding Head Brewery, 15th and Sansom. Some great microbrews (big fan of the grog and the "Ich bin ein Berliner Weisse") Some good songs in the jukebox, and unlike some other bars, it's played at a level where you can still hold a conversation, which is always nice. Plus, it's a great place to take a date if you want the M.A. girls to hound you for details.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Liking Eastbound and Down is a Sin

AKA you have problems, Meredith.

  1. One thing I would really debate about changing is who gets to mess with the thermostat. IT'S A TUNDRA IN HERE. But seriously, I think I would change (and though white is my favorite color) some of the decor in the office. It looks nice, don't get me wrong, but after you get out of the hub it gets a little... boring. Beautifully constructured, but there's nothing on the walls to give any "pop" or keep up that energetic vibe the office has. I also think we should get recliners.
  2. There is a sushi bar in old city that I loooooove, yet can't remember the name of. It's on 2nd and Market. Really tiny place, but the food is (in my opinion) possibily better than POD. And there's an ice cream place right down the street where they have hand-made ice cream that is sooo good (I know I got you with that one, Ashley).
ps. But seriously, it's a tundra in here. Replace the office's with igloos.
Alright folks...this week we're doing one serious question, and one fun question.

First, the serious one:

If you could improve one thing about SHM (internally or externally) what would it be and why?

And now, because I have an ongoing list in my phone of restaurants I want to try:

Where is the coolest place you've eaten in Philadelphia? What are some places you can't wait to try?

Current Countdowns (disclaimer: I love fall television, get over it):

5 days until the first Eagles regular season game!!
6 days until Kristin is 20!
6 days until Gossip Girl season 4 premieres!
9 days until I'm 23!
9 days until It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's new season premieres!
14 days until Glee season 2 premieres!
19 days until Eastbound & Down season 2 premieres!
19 days until Dexter season 5 premieres!
29 days until the first Flyers game!
Way too many days until I graduate!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

From: Thomas
To: Everyone
Goooooooooooooooodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Tom. Sucker.
(Dan was not available for comment at moment)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Friday is Tom's last day at SHM!

Tom, say your goodbyes to whoever you wish.

Kristin, Cassidy, Lex, Dan, Kristin...say your goodbyes to Tom!

(Video blogs preferred).

Have fun!

Yeah sorry this is late, I was pretty swamped all last week. I think I'm a good fit for this job because I can handle a lot of work and have proven to be able to to do so. No matter how busy I am, I never freak out or get insanely stressed. When I first came here, I had the mentality that I wanted to be the best QI assistant to date and set the standards high for the future co-ops that will take on the job. I currently do the past QIA duties as well as a large handful of new projects and I really like that my abilities changed the work load for the QI assistant position altogether.

Friday, August 20, 2010

FiT iN mUcH?

I think that I fit in with this job because I have an outgoing personality that works fairly well with other people. I work in different areas of SHM and most of them deal with our members and helping them. Something that I really like about SHM is the atmosphere in which we work that makes me want to do everything to the best of my ability. I also like that SHM lets you decide what name you want to make for yourself while giving you the ability to try different projects. :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The atmosphere at SHM is very suitable for me I think. I like the fact that SHM is a evolving society and that I can be a part of helping it grow. I like how laid back everyone is and very welcoming, but is still serious about getting work done. I also like how much responsibility I get. Designing my own ideas and seeing them transformed into real life things is pretty cool. Lastly I like the fact that I can wear jeans to work. It's nice to be able to feel comfortable at work.
Hmmmmmmm, what makes me a good fit? Minus the fact that Ashley and Todd have dubbed me the mini Jacqui... I have a genuine interest in learning how marketing works and I am someone who doesn't respond well to negative pressure. Here everything is positive and it is a great place to learn and make mistakes (hopefully tiny, correctable ones). I feel that I have the initiative to get my work done without someone houding me (though I can forget things time to time, helloooooooo to-do list) and I am positive. I'm also not scared to share my opinion on something if I don't like it or don't understand it, though I am becoming more publically vocal about it only recently. I think that's why it fits, or else I'm just crazy.
My biiiiiiiiiiigest mistake? Quite honestly I've never made a monumental mistake at my past jobs, so I guess I can use the one for this job since we had just realized it yesterday. For those of you who don't know, I get to send out the codes for the MGMA survey and keep a nice little spreadsheet of everyone I sent out the discounts to. All I can say is thank gosh for that spread sheet. For the past month or so I had been sending out the wrong discount code to those asking for it. Whoops. Granted I corrected the codes and we are currently working with MGMA to make sure people get re-imbursed if they over-payed, but still. I'm kinda highly embarassed about it, but ya gotta own your work right?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Biggest mistake???

Well I could probably jump right into this and say the dumbest mistake I've made on the job actually occured here at SHM when I made 3 trips to Staples down in DC for one product. Hey, three times a charm! But I'd say my more embarressing experience on the job was during my first 2 weeks at Anthony's Restaurant. My sister had worked there for about a year before she got me the job. It was my 2nd night working as a busboy and I had yet to meet the owner, Anthony. Right after busing a 6-top, I was on my way back to the kitchen when Anthony called my name. As I turn to say hi to him, the full tray of wine glasses and plates fell off my shoulder and crashed down in front of him...

I dont know what I could've said at that time, but whatever it was I continued to work there for another 2 years after that...
What's one thing that makes you feel like you're a good fit for this job?
I worked at Ritas for my first job and I thought I was so cool because that was the hang out spot in my town. I thought it would be ok to give some of my friends free Ritas. It obviously is not ok to ever do that. I got reprimanded by my boss in front of my friends and learned my lesson; I'm not as cool as I think.

Friday, August 13, 2010

You would think, being that it's my question, that I had some amusing anecdote set up. You would be wrong, I don't make mistakes.

Seriously though, the biggest mistake I made in a previous job was probably during my employment at Staples. It was the first time I worked retail, and the first time I had to interact with customers, so there was always something new for me to mess up on. One big one that springs to mind is a time a customer asked me to grab a printer from the shelving for them. This was actually after closing, so I rushed to grab it as quickly as possible, and ended up grabbing the wrong one. The customer didn't notice until the next day, when they came back, rather angry that their printer didn't do several things I had promised them the model did. This was early in my career there, so I was eager not to have this brought up with my manager. I got them the model they had actually wanted, and offered to pay the price difference out of pocket, for their inconvenience. After carrying it out to the car for the customer, they offered me a tip, consisting of the same bills I had given them to cover the price difference, so it all worked out in the end.
Whoa there. I almost forgot about this.

Um...I'm not saying that I'm perfect, but I haven't really made any HUGE mistakes while working. None that I can remember, at least. I feel like I would remember if it was really serious, though. I've only made small mistakes here or there. For example, At a clinic where I used to volunteer, I once accidentally scheduled a man for a pap smear. It was easily fixable though and the doctors and nurses got a laugh out of it haha. I guess that's what happens when you name your son Kelly.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oh Customer Service

My biggest mistake while on the job was not my best moment in time...The background story is that last summer I worked at Hershey Park (sometimes the SWEETEST place on earth) in their Guest Services department. On this particular day I had worked a double shift from 8 am to the current time of 11:30 pm at our busiest location of the front gate. During the afternoon it had rained a little and some of our water rides were down and Hershey Park has very strict rain policies with refunding tickets and giving rain tickets. The park had closed at 11 pm and this woman came to the front gate at 11:30 pm to receive rain tickets eventhough she had been in the park since 10 am that morning and stayed past when the park was supposed to be closed. I nicely explained our policy that these tickets were unavailable and so on.

Basically what happened after her yelling at me for a good 5 minutes through my window I accidentially said to her verbatum what my supervisor said, while still on the phone with them, "Ok well instead of continuing to argue with you my supervisor said I should just give you the tickets"...not my best move. I appologized to my supervisor who said that I should learn to filter what I say and that next time I get so frusterated to step away, take a deep breathe, and try again. If need be let them come and handle it.

From this I learned to stick to my guns and not be pushed around by some biddy from New Jersey (no offense if anyone is from New Jersey) as well as to try and stay calm, cool, and collective when presented with an issue. I learned from my mistake and never felt frusterated or had the same problem again. Oh and when she came back with all of her free tickets it did not rain and she spent even more money in the park :) .

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday Funday

Happy Monday, everyone! I really enjoyed reading your responses to why you think we post in the blog (especially Kristen's).

There isn't one specific answer, but my take on it is that we learn from each other and learn a little more about how to work with one another on a personal and professional level. That is why sometimes I ask more professional questions, and sometimes the posts are just goofy. It's a good place to take a break from your work and just write and reflect on your day or previous experiences.

As for this week, I'm going to post a question, as well as answer it. Enjoy!

What was the biggest mistake you've ever made in a previous job? How did you try to fix it?

When I was on my first co-op at Unisys Corp., out in Malvern, PA, I worked for one heck of a lady. My boss, Tammy, was really awesome and I loved her, but my supervisor, Phyllis, was just awful. I mean, you can't trust anyone named Phyllis. I digress...

My job at Unisys was "Executive Briefing Administrator" which was a fancy title for preparing meeting rooms, completing catering requests, and making name badges for our clients when they visited. There were processes for each of these things, especially when it came to catering. For one meeting, I don't remember exactly what I had messed up, but I placed an order of food for 30 people when it should have been 50 (or something like that). Needless to say, Phyllis was PISSED. There was definitely a miscommunication between what she had told me and what was actual, and I was the one that took the blame for it. I was scared of her, so I just let her yell at me. I definitely went to the bathroom and cried. I don't even think I tried to fix it. I just took the blame and moved on.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I think we write in the blog to give ourselves a form of reflection that is also public so we can share our own improvement and progress to those who choose to read our posts (mainly you, mere). With that being said, I believe that this really is a good way to get us thinking about things we wouldn't of normally and trying to figure out how to describe them to you. Huzzah.
I think the blog gives us a nice little bit of insight into the other co-ops. Oftentimes we don't get the opportunity to chat with each other too much, and the blog answers reveal a good bit about their respective authors. Also, it is nice to have a easy, usually pretty light-hearted last thing to do on a Friday afternoon, even if I do forget to do it on a pretty regular basis.
I think the reason we write in this blog every week is so that all the co-ops can keep in contact with one another and we can all learn from eachother. I've never been apart of a blog before coming to SHM but I feel like one can really get a good grasp of who the other person really is by what he/she writes into a blog. The way they handle themselves with free writing rather than having guidelines like we do on almost every college paper, etc.
I think we write in the blog so that other people can see what wer do at SHM. Also it is a nice to keep an online journal sort of thing. I think for future co-opers, its helpful for them to read some of the posts and to see that we are a fun company to work for.
Hmmm...I'm answering my own question.

Well I don't really know why we have to write in the blog every week. In the beginning, my guess was to loosen us up a little so we wouldn't be so nervous being new here and whatnot. I think it's also here to get our opinions on things, so that you and whoever else reads this gets to know us a little better.

That's my guess. I could be completely wrong, but it's my question so whatever.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Why do you think we write in this blog each week?

Your questions, answered

Kristen asks "Did you ask to come back to SHM when your co-op was done or something? How are you still here, I guess would be a better question."

When I finished my first co-op at SHM (my 2nd all together), I went back to school and was dreading looking for a 3rd co-op in six months. I went on interviews and didn't like anything. I kept comparing everything to the atmosphere and experience I received at SHM. I decided to take a shot in the dark and email Ashley. I ended up meeting Ashley & Kari for lunch to discuss my options, and boom, I was offered a co-op with SHM. After that co-op ended, I went my merry way, for spring term, but decided shortly after that I wanted to come back part-time during my classes..and there you have it. I've been here ever since.

Lexie asks "I know that you worked at some cold and dark place for your first co-op and now SHM for your last two...between all of the work and experiences you have had, do you know what specific kind of job you want to have after graduation and where you would ideally like to work? Basically what does the next 5 years of your life ideally look like?"

Believe it or not, I've said for a couple of years now that I want to do something working with famous people. Whether it's a personal assistant job, a behind-the-camera/scenes job, I just want something where I am interacting with the A-list...and maybe becoming a part of the A-list (watch out, Hollywood!). Realistically, I don't know how that would be possible. So other than working with famous people, I really don't know where I see myself. I definitely like the small company atmosphere as opposed to a large corporation...but I would love to work for Google or Zappos some day. (Dream big, right?). And I eventually want to live in we'll see where my life goes. I'm not making any definite plans any time soon.

Kristin asks "How was your weekend? I hope it was good"

Yes! My weekend was very good! I didn't do anything crazy but everything I did was fun. I hung out at a friends' house, got to see my dad to pick up some boxes to pack up my things at my apartment, laid by the pool with 3 of my best friends from high school, saw Charlie St. Cloud, and I took care of things like donating clothes and grocery shopping.

Tom asks "How'd looking for classes turn out the other day???"

So I figured out what classes I want to only problem is that I want to take a Wine & Spirits class on Wednesdays and you have to be a Senior. I looked on Drexel One today and it says "for registration purposes" my classification is a Junior. WTF MATE. I will be a senior as soon as summer term ends! So I e-mailed my advisor to see what's up.

Dan asks "What's the coolest place you know in Philly that no one else seems to be aware of?"

I don't know many places that other people have no idea about. BUT There is this place in Northern Liberties (NOT the Piazza) where there are cute little restaurants and shops with white lights strung above them that I love. I recommend eating at Homeslice..a really, really good pizza place. (You can call me the Philly Pizza Expert). There are also some cafes, a sushi place, and a candy story. Enjoy!

Cassidy asks "In honor of shark week, if you could be any shark which would it be?"

WHALE SHARK. Enough said.