Monday, October 4, 2010

I don't know about you, but I have a serious case of the Monday's today. It's Recruitment week for sororities at Drexel, which means I will be getting very little sleep this week. I'll be on campus until 11pm at the earliest on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No classes on Tuesday is saving my life right now. I will sleep all day if I have to.

Moving on...

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. If you haven't been able to tell by now, the office is going through some changes in hiring new staff and transitioning with people leaving (coughVERNITAcough). That being said, here is your question for the week:

Have you ever experience a change in the work-place before?
If yes, how did you learn from it?
If no, how do you think you will handle the changes happening at SHM?
And for everyone: How do you feel about change in general, whether it has to do with work, your personal life, etc.

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