Friday, October 22, 2010

Anxious & Worrying

I don't think of it as my favorite song but hands down it is the most played song on my iTunes.

Anxious & Worrying by Defiance, Ohio

People that are more than just acquaintances in my life will know that I can't sit still. Sure, I'm a little antsy but not just hyperactive, ADD too. It's easy to be content with what you have in life, but I can never find such contemptment. Things in my life get old rather quickly. You could say I'm guilty of getting bored with the friends around me and the places that I seem to end up in. I can't just sit inside and spend the day watching television. I think video games are the biggest waste of time. My mind wanders to what is outside the four walls that seem to always be around me. There's something about missing out on things that really irks me, so I try not to miss out on anything.

Some of my favorite lyrics are in this song. They go a lil sumptin like dis:
"Everything is magic until it becomes routine
In your bedroom, on the road, or in the corners of your dreams
and I sure hope we aren't just spinning our wheels.
Whatever happens I think you should know that I'm just glad it feels like anything at all."
-Defiance, Ohio

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