Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hmmmmmmm, what makes me a good fit? Minus the fact that Ashley and Todd have dubbed me the mini Jacqui... I have a genuine interest in learning how marketing works and I am someone who doesn't respond well to negative pressure. Here everything is positive and it is a great place to learn and make mistakes (hopefully tiny, correctable ones). I feel that I have the initiative to get my work done without someone houding me (though I can forget things time to time, helloooooooo to-do list) and I am positive. I'm also not scared to share my opinion on something if I don't like it or don't understand it, though I am becoming more publically vocal about it only recently. I think that's why it fits, or else I'm just crazy.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

you're gaining confidence...something I had trouble with for a long time.