Friday, August 13, 2010

You would think, being that it's my question, that I had some amusing anecdote set up. You would be wrong, I don't make mistakes.

Seriously though, the biggest mistake I made in a previous job was probably during my employment at Staples. It was the first time I worked retail, and the first time I had to interact with customers, so there was always something new for me to mess up on. One big one that springs to mind is a time a customer asked me to grab a printer from the shelving for them. This was actually after closing, so I rushed to grab it as quickly as possible, and ended up grabbing the wrong one. The customer didn't notice until the next day, when they came back, rather angry that their printer didn't do several things I had promised them the model did. This was early in my career there, so I was eager not to have this brought up with my manager. I got them the model they had actually wanted, and offered to pay the price difference out of pocket, for their inconvenience. After carrying it out to the car for the customer, they offered me a tip, consisting of the same bills I had given them to cover the price difference, so it all worked out in the end.

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