Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"60% of all human communication is nonverbal, body language; 30% is your tone, so that means 90% of what you're saying ain't coming out of your mouth."
- Alex Hitchens (Hitch)

a. Theme - Communication
b. Questions for Discussion:
  1. The type of communication that one uses in the work place often depends on with whom the communication is taking place; upper level employees often hear different more proper language and lower level employees hearing more common language. However certain principals are important no matter who is in the conversation. List 3 fundamentals that one should observe no matter whom they are speaking and explain why they are important.
  2. One of the hardest types of communication can be relaying to another that they have not fulfilled their requirements / have not done an adequate job. If you were tasked with this job, how would you satisfactorily communicate the message while making sure not to un-inspire the other worker?
  3. When communicating with members and prospects we most often use email or direct mail. What are the most important aspects in such visual/ textual communication?
  4. When reflecting on the communication with in the office, in what areas do you see room for improvement and what do we do exceedingly well?
c. Goals:
  • Improved communication with in office
  • new ideas on how to better our communication to members
  • Thoughts about communicating as a manager

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