Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Trading Jobs: SHM Edition

Trading Jobs with someone here at SHM isn't really feasable, but I'll play along. Assuming that when we switch jobs, I'll instantly have the knowlegde and ability to do said job, and that they can do mine, I would have to pick Kris' job.

You see, I don't want to go outside of the IT world because I'm not one for doing business work that isn't either A: Manual Labor, or B: IT work. If it isn't either of those, I'd much rather quit than do whatever that work entails. Not because I think the work is boring, pointless, or monotonous, because I am not fit to do anything else. I can't do marketing, membership, QI, HR, finance (someone's losing money if they put me here), government work, or managerial work. Out of those 7, the only one I might be interested in is managerial work. But even then, I'd need a lot of training.

So, because of that, I'd pick Kris' job. This is because I've had an interest in programming. Everything from planning, to designing, to developing, to implementation. I also have a strong school-based background in programming. I am well versed, or so I'd like to believe in several Programming Languages: Java, C++, Python, HTML, Javascript, CSS, and PHP. I had three years of Java Programming classes in high school, two of witch were AP classes, C++ course at my local community college while I was a senior in high school, Python, HTML, CSS and Javascript in my first year at drexel, and PHP in my second. Having such a large background in programming makes it farily easy to learn a new one if needed.

To those who don't know, Kris is a Web Developer. He codes various websites here at SHM as well as web-based applications. For example, he got everything set up for LiveZilla. He didn't program the application itself, but he did integrate it into the website and worked with Brett to get a server up and running for LiveZilla. He also did a bulk amount of coding, if not all of the coding, for the online fellows application.

His job is very programming heavy, and being that I like to program, but have no real-world experience with it, I would love to be in his shoes for a week so that I can get a better understanding of what programming is like on the job.

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