Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How Many Pounds of Success Per Square Inch?

Unlike air pressure, which is in fact messured by pound per square inch, success cannot be measured so easily. Success cannot be measured on a scale, or by a metre stick. By the way, the International System of Units (SI) which uses metres as opposed to our system which uses feet, is a much better sytem than ours. Success, also, cannot be measured by someones wealth.

Success in the eye of the beholder. Success is very subjective, much like beauty. Also like beauty, your view on success should have no influence on how you view another person. In order to comprehend this idea, imagine yourself in a car, speeding along the highway at a safe speed of 55 MPH. In your rear view mirror, you see someone FLYING down the highway at a very dangerous speed of 95 MPH. From your perspective he will be going forward at a rate of 40 MPH. This is because you are going forward at a rate of 55 MPH. 95-55=40. HOWEVER, from his perspective, you are actually going backwards at a rate of 40 MPH. Just flip the equation: 55-95 = -40. This is a direct example of Einstines Theory of Relativity.

Success is the same. YOUR view on success will greatly differ from someone elses view because it is from their perspective.

Another example? ok fine, you talked me into it. Everything you experience, physically and mentally, is relative to you. Physical Example: Earth rotates at a speed of roughly 1,000 MPH. But, we are on Earth, rotating with it. Therefore, we are rotating with the Earth at a speed of roughly 1,000 MPH. Because we are moving at the exact same speed and direction, you can't tell its moving. to be even more drastic, the Earth revolves around the sun at 67,000 MPH. I'm not even going to tell you how fast our solar system revolves around the center of the galaxy. Mental Example: your place in the financial world is different from everyone elses. Lets say you make 60k a year. not bad, but not great. From your perspective, people that make more than you are rich, and people who make less than you are less fortunate. However, to someone who makes more than you, you are the less fortunate. Also, to someone who makes less than you, you are rich. Everything not on a grand scale (AKA the definitive scientific variables: speed of light, pi, ect.) is measured from some sort of perspective, be it yours, theirs, or someone elses.

That was a lot. but to sum it all up. The measurment of success is completely dependant on who is measuring it and their definition of success.

Now that I have explained how one measures success, I can properly give you my definition of success. My definition of success isn't based on wealth, isn't based on a general scale of achievements. My definition of success is "have you satisfied yourself? Your own goals? Your own Ambitions?" If you can difinitively answer these questions with a resounding yes, than you are successful. To further explain, you can not be told by someone else if you are successful or not, only you can make that decision. If you are happy with what you have done in your life, accomplished in the world, impacts you have made, than you are successful and no one can tell you otherwise.

Am I successful? No. I still have plenty of goals and ambitions I am working towards. I am happy with what I've done so far, but I still have a lot to do. No, I'm not successful, but I'm well on my way.

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