Friday, January 13, 2012

Quesions Four the Future

If you were in charge of the blog for one month, what 4 questions would you ask the others? Note: these may or may not be used for future blog posts!

1. If you had to move somewhere outside the United States to live for the rest of your life, where would it be? And why? (Be specific, city and country)

2. If you could have any position/occupation in the world, what would it be and why? It can be anything from the CEO of Facebook to a professor at Drexel University. Be specific! (If it’s a sports team, name the team and position. If it’s a fashion designer, for what brand?)

3. From a marketing prospective… Name the most creative/innovative marketing concept you can think of to attract attention for a product or gain brand recognition for a company. You can pick the brand or company you would like to market. And then introduce your creative marketing tactic to get it noticed.

4. Everyone has goals, achievements, activities and general things they would like to accomplish by the end of their lifetime. Name 3-5 things on your “bucket list” you would like to complete.

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