Wednesday, December 21, 2011


In the past I've never been big on making new years resolutions, primarily because I tend to lose my motivation, or forget why they were so important by January 2nd. This year I actually have a few things I'd like to do differently in 2012, and I can start implementing most of them immediately:

  • I want to remove unhealthy and negative relationships.

  • Spend less time on the computer/internet and go back to reading & writing during my free time.

  • Make things happen for myself instead of just expecting everything to automatically fall into place.

  • Cut back on the amount of sweets I eat! (this one is going to be the hardest o_0 )

There are always several others, and I'm sure things will continue to come up throughout the year, but those are the main four I'm going to hold myself accountable for.

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