Friday, December 9, 2011

16 Days Till Xmas

The best gift I have ever given was probably to one of my friends last year. It was my friend’s birthday in April so a few of us decided to stay the weekend in Toronto since he was legal to drink the night we got there. For a gift besides drinks, the rest of us split up the cost of the hotel and covered it for him since it was his birthday. So considering how crazy of a weekend it turned out to be I would say that was the best gift I’ve ever given someone, or a gift that someone has enjoyed the most.

As for the best gift I have ever received, it would hands down be my graduation present from my grandma. My gift was the keys to her house in Puerto Vallarta to head down there any time for a vacation. So that next spring break which is the best for weather I took a couple of people down there for 2 weeks. I’ve been there at least 10 times as a kid and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else during the spring. I think that will be a very hard gift to top by anyone who I get gifts from for a while.

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