Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Resolution

What is your new years' resolution, and why?

Landing on a new year’s resolution is always a tough decision for me. Typically, I only pick one resolution, so that I can focus on accomplishing a single goal. In the past… I have always focused on resolutions that would increase my productivity as a person, student and athlete. This year, however, I want to focus on my academics. Growing as a person and professional are two of my main goals as I have stated before. Raising the bar for my academic standards will not only help me grow as a person, but as a professional as well. As I near closer to my senior year, I would like to raise my GPA to over a 3.5. In relation to academics, I would like to start reading more for entertainment. Lately, I have been so consumed with work and hockey that I do not have much relaxation time. And when I do, I find myself watching television or going to the gym. So, I would like to use my time more efficiently and try to improve myself.

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