Wednesday, December 14, 2011

61 days down, 74 days to go

I cannot believe that we are already half way done! I feel like I just started yesterday. I have really loved every second here. The atmosphere is great. Everyone is so nice and friendly all the time and I am so comfortable working here. I look forward to it every day. I like that every day is different. I never know what tasks I will be doing because it changes from day to day and that really keeps me interested. In addition, because of how many different tasks I have done, I have been able to learn so much that I will be able to apply to my nursing career. A lot of the things I have learned, I feel like I probably wouldn't have learned working anywhere else. I also like that I am able to be a part of a company that is really making such a huge difference in healthcare and patient care. Overall, it's been a really unique job experience (obviously in the best way!) and I look forward to learning everything I can and enjoying every second of the next three months here at SHM. :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

these color changes hurt my eyes!! lol