Monday, August 2, 2010

Your questions, answered

Kristen asks "Did you ask to come back to SHM when your co-op was done or something? How are you still here, I guess would be a better question."

When I finished my first co-op at SHM (my 2nd all together), I went back to school and was dreading looking for a 3rd co-op in six months. I went on interviews and didn't like anything. I kept comparing everything to the atmosphere and experience I received at SHM. I decided to take a shot in the dark and email Ashley. I ended up meeting Ashley & Kari for lunch to discuss my options, and boom, I was offered a co-op with SHM. After that co-op ended, I went my merry way, for spring term, but decided shortly after that I wanted to come back part-time during my classes..and there you have it. I've been here ever since.

Lexie asks "I know that you worked at some cold and dark place for your first co-op and now SHM for your last two...between all of the work and experiences you have had, do you know what specific kind of job you want to have after graduation and where you would ideally like to work? Basically what does the next 5 years of your life ideally look like?"

Believe it or not, I've said for a couple of years now that I want to do something working with famous people. Whether it's a personal assistant job, a behind-the-camera/scenes job, I just want something where I am interacting with the A-list...and maybe becoming a part of the A-list (watch out, Hollywood!). Realistically, I don't know how that would be possible. So other than working with famous people, I really don't know where I see myself. I definitely like the small company atmosphere as opposed to a large corporation...but I would love to work for Google or Zappos some day. (Dream big, right?). And I eventually want to live in we'll see where my life goes. I'm not making any definite plans any time soon.

Kristin asks "How was your weekend? I hope it was good"

Yes! My weekend was very good! I didn't do anything crazy but everything I did was fun. I hung out at a friends' house, got to see my dad to pick up some boxes to pack up my things at my apartment, laid by the pool with 3 of my best friends from high school, saw Charlie St. Cloud, and I took care of things like donating clothes and grocery shopping.

Tom asks "How'd looking for classes turn out the other day???"

So I figured out what classes I want to only problem is that I want to take a Wine & Spirits class on Wednesdays and you have to be a Senior. I looked on Drexel One today and it says "for registration purposes" my classification is a Junior. WTF MATE. I will be a senior as soon as summer term ends! So I e-mailed my advisor to see what's up.

Dan asks "What's the coolest place you know in Philly that no one else seems to be aware of?"

I don't know many places that other people have no idea about. BUT There is this place in Northern Liberties (NOT the Piazza) where there are cute little restaurants and shops with white lights strung above them that I love. I recommend eating at Homeslice..a really, really good pizza place. (You can call me the Philly Pizza Expert). There are also some cafes, a sushi place, and a candy story. Enjoy!

Cassidy asks "In honor of shark week, if you could be any shark which would it be?"

WHALE SHARK. Enough said.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Spiffy, was actually heading up that way this weekend for the free OK Go show at the Piazza. I'll check it out.