Thursday, October 8, 2009

Works Well with Others

Hey guys,
So I think my main goal with my blog posts is to come up with a clever name for each one. So it's 12 oclock and im leaving soon to go to the Phils NLDS game! I'm pumped. It's my first playoff game for any Philadelphia sport and hopefully there are many more to come. So now for the question at hand. Does Jake Spencer work best with a group or by his lonesome? To answer that, we need to dig deep into the pysche of this complicated individual. To be honest, you dont have to dig at all cause I'll tell you right now. I work best alone or with one other person. I seem to not do well in situations with more then 2 people collaborating. Not that I cant function or am unsupportive, but I feel as though I become less creative with the more people I collaborate with. I really enjoy working with another persona and would rather work with a partner then by myself. Ideas seem to flow more freely and feedback is much more constructive. With two people ideas bounce back and forth between two people who understand the common goal. Sometimes when you add more people to the equation, the message can become lost between the different ideas bouncing from person to person. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working in a group, but i think I am more creative with just one other person. Another note. I just realized my gross overuse of starting sentences with "So" at the beginning of this post. Thats something I need to work on. Today is playing out to be a great day. Got the Phillies soon, volleyball practice tonight, and some leftover fetteciune alfredo in the fridge at my apartment just waiting for me to eat late night. And if I'm not completly dead after practice, Thirsty Thursday?

Well thats all for this week. Meredith have a great time at the wedding and the Eagles game, Kat have fun at the Flyers and I'm not sure what your doing Carly and Roshni but have fun doing it. Have a great weekend all!

Go Phillies, Birds, and Flyers!

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