Thursday, October 29, 2009

I finally have speakers!

First of all, I really dislike when people are out sick…especially when over half of the department is sick. II was the only MA here on Tuesday and it was quite lonely. At first I didn’t think I would have much work to do, but then I was assigned some design work while Kat was sick. This was super exciting because I love working with Photoshop, etc. I designed an application for new AAPA and AANP members. It was great getting back into graphics and what not. I definitely hope there is more of that to come in the near future!

If I was the one that was sick, depending on how sick I am, I would try to check in as much as possible with Christine or someone. I really don’t like being out of the loop with things. Also, when I would come back into the office, I would most likely make a to-do list and tackle as much as I could in the given amount of time. If there was too much work and it was really important, I would probably stay late to get it done. I don’t like leaving things until the last minute. BUT, hopefully I won’t have to worry about this because I’m still going strong! No illness over in my cube!

I hope everyone enjoys there Halloween! I know I will be enjoying myself at the Phillies game! I expect some sweet costume pics!

1 down, 3 to go!

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