Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm not very good at coming up with titles...

When I first heard that SHM was changing structure to a "franchise approach", I was very confused and did not understand the change. Then after the presentation, it finally started to click, and I actually understand what is going on now! It makes complete sense. When the department is broken down the way it is in the franchise model, the structure is more clear. Also, I think it is important to have the franchise owners, because it allows everyone to know who the main reference is for each product. With Emsavina, I agree with what Victoria said. I think we should have broken it down more, where Victoria was in charge of the questionnaire, Emily timeline, myself and the core values, and etc. That would have made it more structured, and allowed for the rest of M&M to have one point of contact if they had a specific questions.

Whenever something new is created, there is always going to be challenges. I think the biggest challenging is accepting and keeping the model in effect. There are so many times in my life where I begin to do something new, and at first it is great, but over time I tend to go back to my old ways. I hope this doesn't happen with the franchise model, but I think it is something that we need to realize is a risk - and we can't let it happen. Other than that, I think the model will be beneficial and as long as things go as planned and people accept the new ways, SHM is going to be just fine!

PS - everyone is missed today!

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