Friday, September 30, 2011
Toughest Encounter
I Believe I Can FLY
I think my toughest encounter here at SHM is going to be maintaining solid product knowledge. Of course it is expected for new employees to not have this, but in order to do my job successfully I need to catch up! Promoting SHM does not come as naturally as it does for the regular employees here, so it can be frustrating. (Is that what you call them? lol) However, I feel that this dilemma is only temporary.
After a couple of months of working here, I know I will become accumulated at SHM. I plan on reading up about the company as much as possible, at work and in my free time. I want to become passionate about what this company has to offer in order to do my job efficiently. Having all the experience I have an opportunity to obtain here is my top priority.
Tough Encounters
Thursday, September 29, 2011
numéro de poster deux
I’m sure throughout my time at SHM, I will experience many encounters and inconveniences that I will find difficult. From understanding the internal systems to marketing to a previously unfamiliar target, many things will contain their own separate challenges. However, I feel the most stimulating aspect for me during my co-op will be time management. Having practice every Tuesday and Wednesday at 6am makes the mornings a little more interesting then everyone else’s. Preparing the night before is essential in order to make sure everything runs smoothly after practice, to ensure I make it to work promptly. Also, practice after work on Thursday nights to prepare for our weekend games is very time consuming as well. Even though I will have a lot on my plate, there will be nothing that will slow me down at SHM. But in order to accomplish that, it is imperative to ensure I am well rested and prepared for a full day of work. So, time management is going to be my main priority throughout the next 6 months.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I'm worried about...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"struggle as hard as you can for whatever you believe in"
Monday, September 26, 2011
Blog #2
First post: Check!
Here's your second question:
What do you think will be your toughest encounter during your time here at SHM?
How will you handle it?
Friday, September 23, 2011
"The surest way not to fail, is to determine to succeed"
Back in June, my interview with SHM was my 1st interview ever for co-op. I was so nervous & was totally freaking out. After meeting with Lauren, Taylor, and Ann, I knew SHM was where I wanted to have my first co-op experience. The atmosphere here is so unique, welcoming, and different than any other job I have had. I cannot explain how excited I was when I saw that I got this job and I could not wait to get started! Coming in on Monday, I was slightly anxious because I didn't know what to expect. But as soon as I got here and saw my schedule and started meeting everyone, I felt so much better. Everyone here was so nice and made me feel so comfortable.
The best part of this week was winning the Phillies tickets! Just kidding...kind of. No, but seriously, the best part of this week was meeting the other co-ops, and getting to know the staff better. Everyone is incredible and I cannot wait to get to know everyone better over the next 6 months.
The most overwhelming part of the week was having to take in so much information at once. I wasn't anticipating learning about all the different departments at SHM. But, I am glad we did. By knowing how all the different departments work together, I feel I will really be able to do my job to the best of my ability.
So far, I think everything is going just right. I just can't say enough good things about this week. I have been going home every day so happy and telling my friends how cool I feel having my own cubicle, and extension, and swipe card to get me upstairs. They think i'm nuts, but i'm too happy to care. (ps. how is everyone planning on decorating? haha. let me know!) I look forward to getting started working on projects with Lauren, Ann, Taylor, Joanne, and Wendy. I look forward to discussing Glee with Meredith and talking about how awesome our jobs are with Susan, Kirstin, Gina, Scott, Jamie, and Jordan. I am just so happy to be here and I feel so lucky to have gotten such a great job with so many amazing opportunities and employees. It's going to be great :)
It's Friday! Week 1 Complete
My favorite part of the week was Industry 101 with Todd. I loved how fun and business was thrown into the mix during the quiz. It was not all business, making all of us co-ops feel more at ease. Taking a quiz with the Senior Vice President of Operations can be quite intimidating. Although, in the end, Todd is getting a tap dance out of me, I felt this meeting was a great way to show us co-ops that we should not be worried about the status of the employee. All the employees here at SHM are willing to help out if needed.
Starting my second day, I was a little thrown back when I saw my name on the schedule for answering phones. After ten minutes at the front desk, however, I felt I owned the office. I had answered phones and worked with similar programs at my previous job. Also, the walk-through we had earlier that day at iMIS Training with DeeDee helped alot as well. Answering phones will now be the least of my worries!
After all the Personal 101s and meetings, I can safely say choosing this co-op was the best decision I have made so far during my Drexel experience. I have always wanted to be involved in something that will make a difference. Assisting in revolutionizing patient care is a great notch to have on one's belt. I am very excited to be working at SHM.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
Why don't you talk about what your favorite part of your first week was?
Having already experienced one co-op, I know how important a positive work environment is. SHM’s accepting and friendly employees have done nothing, but illustrate a fun, healthy workplace. Knowing that I will be at a company who respects one another on a professional and personal level is an aspect that adds to that positive environment. Meeting new people and learning about them is something I enjoy. So, my favorite part of the week would be meeting all the employees of SHM and hearing about their experiences, both in and out of the corporate world. The Personal 101 sessions with various employees granted us the opportunity to attain some knowledge of our co-workers and gain some useful information we could apply throughout our co-op.
What was overwhelming?
Overwhelming is an overstatement. Work is work; so I anticipated the learning of unfamiliar information and procedures. However, it has definitely been an adjustment week. The orientation of new systems such as iMIS and 5pm were probably the most difficult tasks we were assigned. Understanding those systems are imperative, for they are essential for a majority of the projects. Ultimately, nothing was too overwhelming in the end and I eagerly await opportunities to apply my newly acquired knowledge to assignments throughout the marketing department.
What went just right?
As I expected when I accepted the job offer from SHM, everything is going over extremely well. From the people to the facilities, SHM is definitely an awesome place to gain experience and grow as a professional. Also, discovering more about hospitalists and learning about how much the company has an impact on enhancing the care patients get in hospitals is rewarding. Having an influence on health care and helping others in need is rare in the area of marketing. And that is why I find the company and co-op position unique to others and absolutely sets itself apart.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Week One
First Week
1st post, I guess
It has been a very, very event filled week so far and we're only halfway done. I would have to say that the most shocking thing is how laid back this company can be without getting off track. Coming from 2 previous jobs were even leaning back in your chair was considered to be too laid back, it was a refreshing, and extremely welcomed change. It boggles my mind that not many companies are this laid back because it tends to make the work day less stressful and thus more productive. keeping your employees happy always leads to good things.
I would also like to note that sitting at the front desk has to be one of the most intimidating and awkward things I've ever had to do. 90% of outside calls come to the front desk and it feels like you're the captain of the U.S.S. SHM. I don't know, maybe that's just me.
-Jordan, I.T. Analyst
(P.S. I put my name here because I've had this blogger account before SHM and, obviously, triplelambda is not my real name.)
Week One.
Monday, September 19, 2011
I hope you all had a busy, fun and educational first week at SHM!
For your first blog post, why don't you talk about what your favorite part of your first week was. What was overwhelming? What went just right?
Friday, September 2, 2011
what I'll miss....
1. DeeDee saying "GET EXCITEDDD!" (especially when it's invoices week)
2. Ddot and Ashley (the fish)
3. stuffing thousands of invoices.... not
4. Debra and her random adorable gifts
5. having work to do all the time and having the day absolutely FLY by (class never goes that quick)
6. having a schedule. I'm starting to really like having a structured routine everyday
7. my desk. I want to bring my cube home with me... there's so much storage! hahaha I'm such an organizational freak I know.
8. Ddot calling me chicken shit and me calling him Ddot (although I have all intentions of calling him Ddot in University 101 part 2 when I take it with him and I'm sure that's his plan as well)
9. all of our crazyyyyy members and their crazy questions.
10. EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. Seriously, this has been such an awesome experience and I have gotten so much out of it... 6 months is definitely not enough.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
things I will miss
1. Doing real, tangible work as opposed to dumb school assignments
2. Listening to my music for an hour and 15 during Morning Membership (Hi DeeDee!)
3. Random tasks like measuring escalators, writing raps, and making MA videos.
4. Gettin my bread right $$$
5. Fun activities like benefits carnival, mini golf, and multiple baby showers.
6. pretty much anything that involved the consumption of baked goods
7. Secretly enjoying Todd trolling Joan
8. spending the majority of my day on social media sites
9. Achieving a first-name basis with 'John's' staff
10. The fact that my chair spins and has wheels (yes, thats a big deal to me)