Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mentally Challenged

I think the toughest challenge for my time here at SHM will be remembering my lunch. Today is the third day in 3 1/2 weeks (many days of which we didn't need to bring food) that I've prepared by brown-bagged lunch the night before, but forgot it in the fridge the morning after. I don't carry my debit card unless I am purposely going to make a purchase (because I will most likely loose it) and honestly don't possess any cash at the moment. Welcome to college life.

However, I have already taken steps in eliminately this issue by posting a sticky note above the handle of my front door reading, "LUNCH!" Yet, after placing this "solution" in plain sight, I have still managed to epically fail. Due to this reocurring mishap, I am open to any suggestions that may alleviate the pain of having to borrow money from others.

P.S. Tori - Don't worry, I haven't forgotten that I owe you lunch one day

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