Friday, October 29, 2010

Fun question time:

What is one item that you really should throw away, but probably never will?

I'm going to go home and look around to find something I've had for ages that I will never throw away, and I'll answer this question too.

I also expect some good Halloween stories! What did you dress up as?

I Remember when...

...he was quiet and reserved.

Remembered as me.

Just being rememebered in general would be nice. For what specifically I don't really care, but I want to be memorable just being who I am.

Stay tuned.

I plan on pulling off the best prank ever. Hide your kids, hide your wife - cuz I could be trickin' everybody round here

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

e-Newsletter MASTER

I want to be known as by far the BEST e-NEWSLETTER CREATOR the Q.I. Department ever had :)

Jedi Master

Besides the MA website, i would like to be known as the iMIS Master

Monday, October 25, 2010

One Step At A Time - Jordan Sparks

Couldn't find anything closer, but this song somewhat relates to me! It's about taking things slow to get to your goals in life.
The lyrics are in there!
Todd is always talking about the one thing you want to be known for when you walk out of these doors so we can say "I knew them when...."

What is the one thing you want to go down in history for at SHM?
(you can't all say the MA website)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Striking a Chord

I wouldn't say this song exactly describes me, although I can relate myself to this song. I can put this song on and drift in to oblivion. This song for some reason strikes a chord inside, so I thought it would be a good song to put up.

RIP John Lennon

Anxious & Worrying

I don't think of it as my favorite song but hands down it is the most played song on my iTunes.

Anxious & Worrying by Defiance, Ohio

People that are more than just acquaintances in my life will know that I can't sit still. Sure, I'm a little antsy but not just hyperactive, ADD too. It's easy to be content with what you have in life, but I can never find such contemptment. Things in my life get old rather quickly. You could say I'm guilty of getting bored with the friends around me and the places that I seem to end up in. I can't just sit inside and spend the day watching television. I think video games are the biggest waste of time. My mind wanders to what is outside the four walls that seem to always be around me. There's something about missing out on things that really irks me, so I try not to miss out on anything.

Some of my favorite lyrics are in this song. They go a lil sumptin like dis:
"Everything is magic until it becomes routine
In your bedroom, on the road, or in the corners of your dreams
and I sure hope we aren't just spinning our wheels.
Whatever happens I think you should know that I'm just glad it feels like anything at all."
-Defiance, Ohio

"Who I Am"

This song isn't typical of the music I listen to, but I heard it growing up and think it describes me really well. It's all about knowing who you are, where you're from and which people matter in life. Lyrics are in the video :)

The Kinsey Equation

I love this song, I love this show, I love Barbra Streisand, and I love Lea Michele.
So when the four came together it was a wonderful synthesis of all things Kinsey.
The song is called "Don't Rain on My Parade" from the musical Funny Girl.
It is a classic and the most feel good song that has ever been written.
I absolutely adore this song.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Time for a fun blog post.

This is going to be your very first VIDEO POST.

Post a video (either together or separately) answering the following question however creatively you want to:

Pick a song that describes you. Why does it describe you?


Friday, October 8, 2010



I worked in a Italian restaurant for 3 years during high school. I brought two life lessons away from that experience; how to deal with change and how not to over cook the seafood cioppino. You have to learn on the fly and be prepared for what comes at you in the fast-paced, high-stressed environment which is restaurant work. And for that reason... change is scary. We are content (just as the rest of the introverted, right sided, conservative Americans) with a quiet life and a mundane work life. We are content and satisfied, but we aren't living.

Since, I've left the security of my part time job at the local, family owned, Italian restaurant and set my eyes on what's out there. This summer's travelings brought me all over the east coast and the second half of the summer brought me all over the west coast. I was given those opportunities because I did the unthinkable and quit what I had know for my entire working life, the sweaty, fish, cigarette, and tomato sauce aroma of the old grind. It was the best change I ever made "career wise".

Every opportunity that arises I say yes to. What are you going to learn sitting at your desk checking facebook every five minutes? Change brings you excitement. I want an exciting life. I don't want to be afraid of what's around the corner. Break out of your shell, step outside your comfort zone, experience what life throws your way. Sure you'll make some mistakes ... just try not to let people notice. ;)

The key to change is to let go of fear

Dealing with the changes occuring here at SHM, I know I wont have trouble adjusting to the changes because I'm great with adjusting to change. In my previous jobs there weren't many changes occuring there so I didn't really have to adjust to much but I like new beginings! I like starting fresh and having different tasks. The best part about change is trying new things so it's not the same old routine everyday especially at a work place.

Changes occur everyday whether if it's personal or professional change. It's not something you can just ignore, but instead you have to adjust to it. People make decisions every second of the day, sometimes quickly, sometimes with thought, but not always do we make the right ones and we want a do over. You have to let go of your fear and past to adjust to whatever is present and start fresh.

Lets face it; we have to if we want to remain relevant in today's world!

"If you don't create change, change will create you."

I would consider myself a "roll with the punches" person, therefore the only way I feel about change is that I know to expect it. Some changes are for the better, some for the worse (I'd like to think there's always a silver lining).

Working after school jobs in high school that dealt with kids, retail and the restaurant business meant constant changes. It came in many forms, whether a person I depended on during the job didn't come through or an event threw the entire team off (ie. my Manager at Hollister getting fired for sexual harassment/my family's restaurant catching on fire, etc.)

While I do tend to get comfortable with the way things are, I am generally positive about the way things can be and therefore welcome changes.

Monday, October 4, 2010

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom. ~Confucius

Oh, yes. I have experienced sudden change at work. The second day of my internship at Carolee, a Connecticut based jewelry company, the head of sales correspondence was "let go for personal reasons." Very mysterious.

Either way, one other intern and I had to fill in for her immediately. It was rough, but this forced us to learn incredibly quickly and, more importantly, to not be scared of change.

Like Greg, I do NOT like change. I like knowing what to expect and when to expect it. If changes are going to made I like to be in full control of them.

That's not to say I don't appreciate spontaneity, because I do, but only if I'm the one being spontaneous. ((See photo of spontaneous fishing adventure above))

Spare Some Change

Aside from being new and adjusting to a job, I can't say that I have ever really ever experienced any major changes during my previous jobs. I think that I will handle the changes well, judging from the people that work here, the incoming employees will almost immediately feel comfortable working here.

I typically do not adjust well to changes in general, and like to keep a routine that I almost strictly follow, but if I feel that the change is for the better then I am all for it. For example I was not crazy about the idea of having a whole summer off and then working in the fall, I thought I could figure out a way to stay on summer break for as long as possible. After my interview here though, I got excited about the prospect of working for SHM, and really thought it would be a great place to work. The summer is now clearly over and here I am, luckily working for SHM. This was a big change for me, it gave me a new outlook on the whole Co-op experience and realized that I can indeed enjoy my job. I would like to thank SHM for providing me with a work environment that I truely enjoy being in.

I don't know about you, but I have a serious case of the Monday's today. It's Recruitment week for sororities at Drexel, which means I will be getting very little sleep this week. I'll be on campus until 11pm at the earliest on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No classes on Tuesday is saving my life right now. I will sleep all day if I have to.

Moving on...

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. If you haven't been able to tell by now, the office is going through some changes in hiring new staff and transitioning with people leaving (coughVERNITAcough). That being said, here is your question for the week:

Have you ever experience a change in the work-place before?
If yes, how did you learn from it?
If no, how do you think you will handle the changes happening at SHM?
And for everyone: How do you feel about change in general, whether it has to do with work, your personal life, etc.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Starting Up

Reflecting back on the first week, I thought the orientation process was excellent. I really appreciated the opportunity to get to know everyone in the department. My friends who are on co-op at other jobs didn't have that opportunity, they started work right away. I think that getting to know everybody is very important for incoming MA's or full time employees, because it instantly makes the new guy feel welcome and more comfortable.

Some things that I found was that Ann has gone sky diving about 7 times, Kinsey refuses to lose, Mike is secretly a criminal mastermind, and John threw javelin. I don't think I have ever met anyone who carries these traits. Its great to have such cool people working around me, and wish that there were more people like this in my past jobs as well as future jobs.

I still can't stress how enjoyable it is to work here and I look forward to the next 5.5 months here.

Happy October!

Hard to believe that our second week here at SHM is coming to an end. On one hand I feel like I've learned so much and met so many people yet realize there's still so much to come!

Having gone through a second week without our morning schedules, I can honestly say I miss it - great idea to have structure on days when everything is new and you're overwhelmed. Definitely a key point to the Orientation Process.

If I could improve on any one thing during our first week here, I would suggest emphasizing more on how important all the reading materials are that were given to us. The Survival Guide and Membership Binders should be assigned as "Homework" to read after the first day.

Hm..what have I learned about my fellow M.A.s thus far?

Mike: Musically inclined, used to play Baseball, is putting together his sweet "Bachelor Pad"

Greg: My go-to sports reference guy! Very helpful thus far in my plight to understand Football

Kinsey: Neeeeeds to have her breakfast ASAP in the AMs, enjoys changing up her Nail Polish regularly

Cheers to a great second week and a whole new month!
I like how orientation dedicated a large part of the week to getting to know other people in the office. Becoming closer with the full-timers here before we dove into learning made the process more comfortable. I would have been nervous asking a stranger a question, but no one was a stranger by the time I had a question. This is a small office but I feel like I was only given the chance to get to know people in my department. I would have liked to have gotten the chance to get to know everyone so that I know the persons name that I am standing next to at the water cooler. Also, I didn't start learning until I started doing. I want to be fully immersed in what happens so I can learn more about what we do.

I've learned a lot about the people I'm working with, as well. Ann has battle scars everywhere and a story for each, Kinsey has a remarkable ability to beat everyone at everything, and Greg has a great taste in music. Puja can sleep more than anyone I know and yet is still constantly tired. Everyone I work with is great and I'm glad we've bonded because that makes this experience even better!


SHM's orientation was very well organized. The meetings for every department helped me get a better background of SHM. One thing that could be improved in the orientation process would be to include an all staff meeting the first day of work. I feel like I still don't know some of the employers here and I may not even get to know a few of them on a more personal level. Therefore it would have been pleasant for a get together on the first day to introuduce ourselves. Overall SHM is awesome, I love it here! :)

A rainy day post.

I know this is going to sound rediculous, but I think the team at SHM has perfected the orientation process. Taking a week to ensure we have our footing before "real work" starts is very helpful. Obviously using prizes like gift cards is good incentive for some of the more competitive people in the office...((not anyone I know)) The orientation week removes a large portion of the stress that comes with starting a new adventure in a new place with lots of new people. Cheers to all those who helped us out last week!

As far as fun facts go, I think John wins with his javelin throwing history. That being said I learned tons of fun facts in the last two weeks!

Make the rain go away!