Friday, May 7, 2010

There are still good people out there

So my sentence is, "There are still good people out there". This week as Cass said has been rather stressful, sleepless, and all around exhausting...all from Greek Week 2010. Besides work at SHM during the regular hours of the day I was Greek Week Penny War chair. So my job was to watch the money that was being donated and take it to the bank to be counted every night. All of the money goes to a scholarship fund in honor of Ian Alexander and John Williamson who both passed away last year.

Anyways, so to my sentence. One of the lovely fraternity groups decided to buy $500 in pennies and fill a 5 gallon water jug with them. I mean I have been going to the gym but I could hardly lift it. Being a struggling girl there were so many people, young (oh hey Penn basketball player) and old alike, that stopped and tried to help me move these containers. I also received help from Kristen who even missed the beginning of her first stroll to help me out.

Besides moving pennies I have been receiving so much kindness and love from strangers that I did not think existed anymore. Some random person helped me yesterday on the subway when I was at a free interchange and I was unsure if I should be going Northbound or Southbound. I am not the kind of person to have to depend on other people for help but I was really appreciative of all of the help and support that I have received this week. I am going to close with "PAY IT FORWARD" and help someone that you might not help on the regular. :)

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