Wednesday, December 16, 2009

First let me apologize for being tardy to the party.
Sorry Meredith :) But here I am!

And because Meredith loves me I'm going to answer last weeks questions about goals. I'm with you Meredith when it comes to making goals. I don't plan too far ahead because I'm not the type. My friends plan everything from what they are wearing this weekend to what retirement home they will be living in. Not me! I'm going to roll with the punches. Life is a funny thing and I always think that if you plan every step of your life you limit your possibilities.

As for me my goals are:

Work for a non-profit that helps children and women (in this country and others)
Get married and have kids
Not live in NJ (property taxes are killing me)

That's about it.

Later Gators,

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