Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We all want to change the world

"If you could change one decision that you've made as part of your work here at SHM, what would it be? What have you learned as a result of not being able to go back and change that decision?" -TVD

I suppose part of this answer would be to include admitting to a mistake that you've made that you wish you could change and that shows that you can own your work, etc etc. "If I had made x decision instead of y, we would have made z dollars instead of a dollars" Catch my drift?

Something like that is not going to be my answer to Todd's question. Growing up, I have learned that everyone has regrets, things they wish they could change and know that they can't. I go about my work and personal life keeping this thought in the back of my mind. I know that no matter what the outcome of any decision I make, there is no changing it, there is no going back, no matter how much we wish there was a way.

A few years ago, I questioned what fate meant, if we tamper with it or if making mistakes is all part of the path we're supposed to follow. I know that I can't go back and change decisions that I've made, so when I have to make decisions, I try my best to think of every possible thing that could go right or wrong (I'm a big fan of Pro/Con lists). I try my hardest to make the best possible decision and hope that it is the right choice. If it ends up not being the best decision, I learn from that and implement what I learned the next time a decision arises. Decisions have to be made every day (What should I wear? What time should I leave? What is my top priority in projects? Who should I ask?) and when we answer our own questions, we learn from there.

There is no decision in my 3 months of being here that I wish I could go back and change. Although, I can say with all honesty that choosing this co-op over any other one was the best decision I made and I wouldn't change that for anything.

(I don't know if this post really answered Todd's question, I kind of just went on a rant and said whatever came to mind. But hey, at least I posted).

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