I can’t believe this big move is finally upon us and that Thursday will be the last day that we report to work at 6th and Race (tear). One of the worst things (well in my opinion anyway) of a new job or a new environment is learning of the little things… I mean those basic, basic things that at this point we all just take for granted and just know. It’s the stuff that you almost feel too dumb to actually ask out loud when you are the new kid in the office. This consists of pretty simple basic and non-life threatening question like:
How do I change my voicemail?
How do I send something FedEx?
What is the code to enter the restroom (o you heard me right)?
Well not knowing and not having a routine is definitely one of my least favorite things – think your first day of college classes where pretty much every person walks into the wrong building and better yet the wrong classroom at least once. Awkward!
But, in our office move situation these exact questions and uncertainties are the thing I like the most about the move. I mean this is probably the first and last time in my life that I won’t be the only person that is completely clueless about what is going on on my first day in a new building/ brand new environment. O no, there will be an entire office full of people all in the same boat learning it together! The move is going to be a great change and learning experience for us all and I am sure together we can figure out all of the how to’s.
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