Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What have I been up to?  Email reporting, email reporting, and more email reporting.  Weekly reports, bi-weekly reports, monthly reports, statistical projects, and analysis projects, if anyone needs an email report, I have them all.  But that’s not all that has been going on the past three weeks.  I said goodbye to my old supervisor, Celisse, and hello to my new one, Hayley.  I started working with Hayley and Irisa on a market research project.  Also, I continued the work on store shipping and reports. 

I don’t really lead a very exciting life, so this question is difficult.  I think the most exciting thing to happen in these past three weeks was throwing two of my friends a birthday party (They have the same birthday and they’re dating so cute)  I am going to do more exciting things in the future incase this question is asked again.  

I would give my board experience two thumbs up.  Nice people and good food, what more could you ask for.  One of the board members was from the town next to my home town.  It was exciting to learn that some people from New Hampshire actually do other things besides hunt and get snowed into their houses.  I called my parents to tell of this new discovery, but they didn’t believe me.  I hope he comes back soon so he can call my parents, maybe they will believe him. 

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