Friday, November 16, 2012

Three Questions?! Balsphemy!

What have you been working on? 
I've been working on a top secret mission to get everyone dual monitors because they're awesome. But, I don't think its a secret anymore now that 3/4th of the office have dual monitors...
I've also been working on my super awesome Excel spreadsheet of AMAZINGNESS. It does everything: Shows the floor layout, Shows everyone's PC and monitor information ON the layout, Shows me everyone's warranty information via color codes ON the layout, Shows me whether or not peoples PC's are online ON the layout, and Bakes cookies and shows you the cost ON the layout.
Alright, that last bit may be a bit of an exaggeration. But you know what isn't an exaggeration? The importance of one of my newer projects, the QSC. QSC stands for Quarterly Service Conversation. In a nutshell, the QSC is there to open lines of communication between the Service Departments (IT, Project Management, Business Development, and Marketing) and the Business Owners (Advocacy, Membership, The Center, Education and Meetings, and Practice Management)
I will soon be working with Brett to get the rest of the servers virtualized (We're going Tron!) as well as working with him on a top secret but super awesome project, stay tuned for more.
What's the most exciting thing that happened in the past three weeks? 
Hmm. For me, the past three weeks have been pretty horrible. My Uncle passed away (thus me not being here the first half of the week) and we found out the hard way that my sister is now allergic to peanuts (don't worry, she's fine now).
But the word exciting, to me at least, has to be something thrilling, wondrous, and happy. So, the only thing that meets those prerequisites to be considered exciting, would be my 21st birthday! 
How did you like the board meeting experience?
It was alright. Lot of heavy lifting and fancy(compared to our normal attire) clothing. Same as it was last year.

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