Monday, July 30, 2012

1. If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
2. If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be?
3. If you were stranded on an island what 3 objects would you make sure you had with you?
4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

Friday, July 27, 2012

1. What movie best describes your life?
2. If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
3. Who do you look up to and why?
4. If you were president of Drexel for a day, what would you do?
1) What's your favorite Disney movie and song?
2)If you could go back in time and give your high-school self advice, what would it be?
3)If you could pick 3-4 bands/artists to play a concert here, what would be your choices?
4)What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen sparrow?

Bonus: What is the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything?

Thursday, July 26, 2012


1. What you think is the unforgettable moment while working at SHM?
2. How do you see yourself fit into SHM environment. In order words, how do you do to make yourself fit in while working here?
3. Name three cool things that you have never done, but definitely will try someday. And why would you want to try that? Be specific
4. What makes you sad the most when leaving SHM?

- TN
If I was put in control of the blog for a month these are the questions that I would ask:

1. If you could be any celebrity in the world who would you be and why?
2. If you knew this was your last day on earth what would your last meal be?
3. What is your biggest fear?
4. If you could pick one person in the world to spend the day with who would it be and why?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

If you were put in control of Collective Reality for a month, what four questions would you ask?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Well considering I mainly listen to country music and none of them really would apply to working at a job since they are mostly about losing loved ones or being in love. However I did find one that I like that somewhat relates to my job here at SHM. "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift seems to somewhat make me think of my time here at SHM because this is my first real job. I love it here and working with all of the people I get to work with but it does make me realize how fast we all are growing up. In less than 3 years I will have my degree and be working full time. Don't get me wrong again I love it here however I am not sure if I'm ready to really be working full time in the working world yet. Its a scary thing to comprehend. That is one of the reasons I really like Drexel because it gives you a taste of the working world for 6 months at a time throughout 3 years and you really do figure out what you like and don't like. Then again who doesn't just want to stay a kid forever?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Enjoy The Ride

Enjoy the Ride - By Morcheeba

I feel like this song is what I would want to say about my life at SHM. Everyday going to work is the ride to greater accomplishment, to a brighter future, to more of learning, to a better me.

"If you close the door to your house
Don't let anybody in
It's a room that's full of nothing
All that underneath your skin
Face against the window
You can't watch it fade to grey
And you'll never catch the fickle wind
If you choose to stay."

I could image myself like this if I did not have a chance to enjoy the SHM ride...

I've never been good with figuring out the 'meanings' behind songs/movies/books, etc.  I tend to listen to music to be entertained.  With that in mind, bear with me if the song I bring up actually has some sort of horrible hidden connotation.  It's not intentional, I swear.  The song would be Lateralus, by Tool.  It starts out as a fairly mellow song, with a long, vocal-free intro.  This mimics my first week here, where everything was fairly simple and i was just learning the ropes.  Oh, and there were only 8 people here.  When the vocals come in, they're deliberately syncopated, and slowly rise in intensity, representing the buildup as people return and I start learning more and more.  Of course, it's also just a great song to listen to when you're doing work.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

After thinking for a while, I would choose "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers. I chose that song because while I was reflecting on my experience and trying to choose a song, I kept coming back to how much help everyone provides to their co-workers. I always feel like I can go to anyone with a problem and be helped and not judged. I know if I'm struggling, I'll always have someone there for me to help me out. With how often everyone works together here, it's important to feel like you can count on the people around you, and I think that's the strongest value here at SHM. No matter what your doing or have going on, you will always have somebody to lean on.

Space Jam

Obviously I really wanted to pick a BeyoncĂ© song, but unfortunately I couldn’t think of one that described my life at SHM. So after a lot of thinking I went to my next favorite, Kings of Leon. Once again I was unsuccessful. And then it hit me. I think we can all agree that Space Jam is an awesome movie, so I thought of the song “I Believe I Can Fly.” Although I am not the biggest fan of R. Kelly I think I can relate this song (and the movie) to my experience here at SHM. While working at SHM I have had so many opportunities to take advantage of, which have allowed me to grow as a person. I have been able to enhance my knowledge and skills through the responsibilities I have been given, which has also contributed to my sense of empowerment. Because of this, I feel that I am now more capable and ready to soar through life. I not only feel confident moving forward in my academics, but I have also gained the necessary skills to enhance my career. SHM has given me the capability to “spread my wings and fly away.”

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If you could pick a theme song to describe your life at SHM, what would it be and why?

Monday, July 16, 2012

I think if I saw someone starting to fall behind I would first take a look at the situation. I would look at the person and figure out if they normally have focusing troubles or is it out of the ordinary for them? If it was weird for them then maybe something is wrong and I would try and talk to them on a personal level first. However if its common and it happens on a normal basis then I would figure out a way to motivate them and get them back on task. Considering every person is different this approach has to be done in different ways depending on the person's personality which you can take the time to figure out. I would offer any assistance I can and just guide them back on track.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I think if I saw someone falling behind I would take a similar apporach to Jackie because I know when I fall behind on a project its helpful to feel like the person you are working with isn't just assuming you've been slacking or can't finish it. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt and going to talk with them about what's going on that is holding up the process leads to productive talks about issues and can bring about good solutions the person might not otherwise have found. I also agree with Adam that if it does seem like the person is just pushing the project off and not really putting much work in or fogetting about it that a few little reminders can help the person stay more on track. Letting them know at the outset how high of a priority the project is can also determine how much they will get done and by when.
In the given situation, I would normally resort to the tried-and-true method of constant nagging.  I know that I have trouble focusing at times, and in such situations, I greatly appreciate being reminded and poked to keep on top of things.  Just a friendly message via lync, or over email is all that should be needed, repeated until it's acknowledged.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I think the best way to figure out how to motivate someone is to first try and figure out the reason for them falling behind or for their lack of focus. Maybe take some time to sit and chat with them over coffee or lunch. Once the root of the problem has been determined you can figure out the best strategy to help them refocus and get back on track. There may be several reasons for them falling behind so I would see if there is any way I could assist them in creating a daily to do list or weekly planner to help them stay on top of their tasks. After the plan has been put into place I would then occasionally check in with them and see how they are doing to reevaluate the plan and make adjustments as needed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I can think of different way to handle the situation:
- Daily goal: When you were at the point of falling behind projects, the line of finishing it seems to longer and longer. It will be helpful to help the behind-er break down tasks and make a list of daily goal. Completion small steps every day would definitely give the behind-er a boost. Along with that, the manager should give him/her regular feedback, so that he/she knows what to go forward.
- Distractions: Using root-cause solution might be the best to help co-workers who usually lose their focus. So, find out what makes him not be able to concentrate to his work by going for a lunch together and talking more about it with him. If his behavior affect the work of the team, it is necessary to bring it up and discuss in person with him.

If you were to see a project falling behind or a co-worker having trouble staying focused, what would you do to motivate them?

Monday, July 9, 2012

I am on the same boat as everyone else in that it's pretty much impossible to find something to change here. The one thing I would try to change would be to rearrange the office somehow to utilize the space in between the center and marketing/membership. I think if we were moved closer together, we might be able to work closer together and collaborate better on certain projects. Other than that, SHM is perfect and I can't see changing a thing.
I have to agree with the general sentiment that there's not much to improve on around SHM.  The atmosphere is pleasant and friendly, the work is interesting, and the people are awesome.  The only thing that I could think of would be having a better place to meet as a whole.  Phillies is just too small, and having to squeeze everyone in there is extremely awkward.  Perhaps a screen setup similar to what's in Phillies for the copier area/open space behind Phillies would be good, as everyone could comfortably fit there.
I love a lot about working at SHM. Everyone is super friendly and seems to get along pretty well. I also like how there are a lot of planned activities and planned company interactions like all staff lunches and such. This really promotes the company to get to know each other and bond. I also think there is a great mission here that SHM works on with the Quality Improvement in Hospitals. I never really understood this until I started working here but now realize how important and great it really is. There isn't too much I would change about SHM. One of things I would maybe change would be the office layout. I would make a larger conference room so that the all staff meetings can be held comfortably within it. I would also maybe include bathrooms in the center of the office in order to encourage more office interaction and chance of running into employees from the other side of the office like membership and IT who I don't run into very often otherwise.

Sorry for the late entry I was gone and completely forgot!

Friday, July 6, 2012

What to Change?

I also think it is hard to think about what SHM should change. All I think about SHM is a warm welcoming work environment with everyone cares about each other, yet fun and delightful at the same time. So, it might be more about what I should change to be in this environment, not what to change about SHM itself. However, for some random reasons, I was thinking that it would be great if the SHM office is located in the center city. I feel like it might be more fun!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

This is a really hard question. There are so many things that I love about SHM and I can't seem to figure out anything specific that I would want to improve. There has been such a great atmosphere that has been established here. I have found that everyone is able to work hard and be productive while also having fun. The one thing I guess I would want to improve is the amount of interaction between the departments. At least for me I feel like I don't know many of the people in the QI department as well as I do the people in the Marketing and Membership department. I think that this is because we are on other ends of the office. Other than that I can't think of anything else that needs to be improved.

Monday, July 2, 2012

If you could improve one aspect of SHM what would it be and why?