Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[No Turkey for Me] Day

I love Thanksgiving, and quite possibly for all of the wrong reasons. Of course it's wondeful to spend time with my family, especially after being away at school --but the food, that's really what brings me home. I am a self-proclaimed psychological fatty.

The weirdest thing is that we don't ever eat turkey on "Turkey Day". Twice in the past 18 years, I've had Turkey on Thanksgiving, and it was a little different; it almost seemed out of place; like an after-thought. Most years, we spend Thanksgiving in Brooklyn at my Grandmother's house. Going back there is always a little interesting because it's the house where I spent the first five years of my life, and it could not be more starkly different from where I live now. My grandmother miraculously manages to cook everything they had in the grocery store except for the turkey. Most years the menu includes (but is not limited to): chicken, seafood-stuffed fish, shrimp fried rice, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, greens, corn, another type of meat, apple pie, pumpkin pie, sweet potao pie, lemon pound cake, and whatever else she felt inclined to whip up.

I would pick all of that over turkey anyday.

This year, as is tradition, Thanksgiving dinner will be in Brooklyn. I will then spend black friday, (a day I was especially looking forward to this year since I'm not completely broke) on the sometimes 4/sometimes 7 hour drive to PG county Maryland, right outside of D.C. Although I'm missing my highly anticipated shopping spree (and probably for good reason), I am really looking forward to being with the side of my family I sparsely see, particuarly my cousins and hopefully the new baby boy (:

So all in all, I do love Thanksgiving. Game plan is to fast for the rest of the day just so I can have as many plates as I'd like tomorrow. [I know that's a little bit sick.]

Anyways, have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Eat up!

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