Monday, November 7, 2011

Balance in all things

We need balance in everything. Too little work and too much fun leads to little productivity. Too much work and too little fun leads to much productivity, but harsh effects on physical and emotiona health.

The line that needs to be drawn is when fun starts to get in the way of work or work stresses you out way to much. If fun starts getting in the way of work, you need to do more work or you will, ultimately, lose mony. If work starts stressing you out, you need a little injection of fun or your health will start to degrade greatly.

I myself like to check a snippet of online news or something about a video game for maybe 5 minutes here and there. This gives my mind a few minutes to relax and get ready to continue. I do this once an hour (minus the 12-1 lunch hour, of course, or any hour long meetings I may have). This short little burst of fun is all I need to keep going for the next hour or so.

If I'm having a particularly hard day, which I haven't ran into yet, I'd probably like to take another 5 minutes at the 30 minute mark of the hour.

Now, if this is some clever trap to find out whos slacking off, I assure you it isnt slacking. Per hour, I'm looking at a less than 1/6th down time sometimes down to a 1/12th down time for that hour. whereas a good 5/6th to 11/12th of my time is spent being productive.

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