Monday, November 28, 2011
Thanksgiving and the entire family
So, when I say everyone, I mean everyone. all of my aunts/uncles, all of my cousins, all of my parents aunts/uncles, and all of my grandparents and some family friends. This totals to about 50-60 people in my house for one HUGE Thanksgiving dinner. It is always, always an incredible tradition and holiday where literally everyone that is related to me gets together for what is widely considered a bigger family holiday then christmas. (at least, in the U.S.)
This year, however, the first in at least 10-15 years, was the first year we did not follow this tradition. this is because of future events and thus was spent with just my mothers side of the family at her sisters house. Now, just because it was a vastly smaller group of people, it still felt like thanksgiving and everything was equally as great as its been in the past. And even though I can't wait till next thanksgiving when we're back in the full swing of things, I will admit that the change of pace was welcome.
A Little Late
happy unthanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving!
What are some of your favorite family traditions during Thanksgiving? What do you look forward to the most?
Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite holidays. For me, it’s #2 in my power rankings behind Christmas. Anyway, Thanksgiving is such a great holiday because of the traditional value it holds. Bringing family together and eating a ridiculously unnecessary meal is what it is all about. I particularly like Thanksgiving because of that reason. However, I do have some Wallace family traditions. On the morning of Thanksgiving, my neighborhood gets together and plays a big game of football called the “Turkey Bowl.” Me, my dad and two younger brothers have played since I can remember and will continue that this year. Sticking to the category of sports, each Thanksgiving night Ridley plays Interboro (our rival highschool) in ice hockey at a local rink. It’s typically the biggest game of the year and is always a packed house. I played in this game for the 4 years I was in high school, so I try to go to that every year to see how our team is doing. Moving on to the meal (what I look forward to the most), we always have turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. My favorite dish is probably either broccoli casserole or baked mac and cheese.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
[No Turkey for Me] Day
The weirdest thing is that we don't ever eat turkey on "Turkey Day". Twice in the past 18 years, I've had Turkey on Thanksgiving, and it was a little different; it almost seemed out of place; like an after-thought. Most years, we spend Thanksgiving in Brooklyn at my Grandmother's house. Going back there is always a little interesting because it's the house where I spent the first five years of my life, and it could not be more starkly different from where I live now. My grandmother miraculously manages to cook everything they had in the grocery store except for the turkey. Most years the menu includes (but is not limited to): chicken, seafood-stuffed fish, shrimp fried rice, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, greens, corn, another type of meat, apple pie, pumpkin pie, sweet potao pie, lemon pound cake, and whatever else she felt inclined to whip up.
I would pick all of that over turkey anyday.
This year, as is tradition, Thanksgiving dinner will be in Brooklyn. I will then spend black friday, (a day I was especially looking forward to this year since I'm not completely broke) on the sometimes 4/sometimes 7 hour drive to PG county Maryland, right outside of D.C. Although I'm missing my highly anticipated shopping spree (and probably for good reason), I am really looking forward to being with the side of my family I sparsely see, particuarly my cousins and hopefully the new baby boy (:
So all in all, I do love Thanksgiving. Game plan is to fast for the rest of the day just so I can have as many plates as I'd like tomorrow. [I know that's a little bit sick.]
Anyways, have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Eat up!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Greetings, from my bed!
Friday, November 18, 2011
To Be Honest...
In most work environments, especially the marketing department, group collaboration is a constant occurrence. Throughout my 20 years ( 21 in a month!!!), I have come across groups filled with unintelligent, lazy, and crazy people. Most of the people here at SHM do not have these qualities thank goodness. Due to this, I am hoping that groups in the professional world are not as bad as groups in school. :: Fingers crossed ::
Team Work
Think of it like a machine. Two pieces fit together and get a job done fairly easily but can still have minor, easily fixable issues. Take a machine that has 10 or more pieces in it, and putting those pieces together isnt an easy task. However, get that 10 piece machine to work, and it will always over power the two piece machine.
What about companies? They can have thousands of people, how do all those pieces fit? A company is like one GIANT team, one GIANT machine. Each department, in some way shape or form, needs the other departements to function. Without finance, rampant money spending will ensue. Without IT, computers will break. Ect.
This giant machine follows the same principle at a much larger scale. However, the executives of the company (or, if you will, mechanic building the machine), have the metaphorical executive hammer. this hammer is used to force parts of the machine into place. In the real world, this is better seen as the 'I'm your boss, do as I say or I'm firing you' scenario. To further my rediculous metaphor, sometimes this hammer breaks the piece (I.E. person quits or gets fired) and the mechanic has to go get a new one.
Almost all of the team projects I've been apart of has hard the standard teamwork issues. Someone doesnt do enough work, becomes to authoritative, or completely disagrees with everything. And considering your own image is affected by the outcome of the project, just confront the person(s) and if they don't cooperate, reason with them, use the executive hammer, or pick up their slack.
POST #9 (Yes, I'm keeping track)
Everyone knows at SHM we're about teamwork. There are frequent meetings, and projects that take more than one or two brains to complete.
What are some challenges you have faced since being here when working in a group as opposed to working with one other person, or even alone?
From my perspective, working as a team on a project or task is the optimal situation. Being able to collaborate and bounce ideas off each other is a great way to build chemistry and have a strong outcome. At SHM, the other co-ops and I have experienced both individual and group tasks. While the individual tasks I could easily focus and finish on my own, the group projects are more fun to work on and complete as a team. For example, all the co-ops were asked to update and revamp the “Our Reality” website for future co-op students. As a team, we were able to create new ideas, which greatly improved the website and made it more accessible to the future co-ops. The challenge in this specific task was to utilize all 7 of us properly and implement everyone’s ideas into the project. In the instance of the website, we were able to divide it up into segments, so that everyone could add their own touch to the “Our Reality” site. So while there definitely are challenges you need to overcome, there is always a solution to those challenges. The solution can strengthen the group once agreed upon and can improve your work as a whole.
Not my favorite thing in the world.
It is also difficult to convey an idea exactly the same way as it looks inside of your head; particuarly if it's something that requires quite a bit of imagination. In theory something may sound amazing, but it may be unreasonable in execution. For that reason, I do like to be around other people and bounce ideas back and forth--but everyone has to be willing to do that.
For the most part, I prefer to work alone or with a group of people I know really well, where we all have established mutual respect for one another as individuals and contributors.
It also depends on what the project is; If I'm working on something that really interests me I'm more likely to approach it enthusiastically and with an open mind.
So really, there's my list of issues, but I am completely willing to work on them and adjust as I need to for the benefit of the group overall as well as my own success.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
You vs the Group
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Group + Work = ?
The toughest experience I had with group work occurred when I was taking my MGMT 260 class at Drexel; we had a project that required our group to come up with a new product and write a business plan to go with it (Industry Analysis, SWOT, etc). Every member in my group had a different schedule with different commitments which made it hard to meet as a team. We ended up pulling through it by making sacrifices; we would pick a time when most group members could make it and let the others know the details through e-mail. This is definately another factor that can make or break team work. Solo work is usually easier for the majority of people but learning how to work in a group is important in the professional world.
Monday, November 14, 2011
"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."
Everyone knows at SHM we're about teamwork. There are frequent meetings, and projects that take more than one or two brains to complete.
What are some challenges you have faced since being here when working in a group as opposed to working with one other person, or even alone?
Friday, November 11, 2011
Felice Venerdì
Where do you draw the line between having a good time and cracking down to get work done? How do you balance fun in the work place?
The company you work for is essentially your home away from home. Our time spent at SHM almost equates to the time that each of us spend in our own home (kind of weird to think about it that way.) However, all that really means is that you should present your personality and be yourself in the workplace. When you start your day in the morning, you should try to lighten the mood. Starting off the day on a good note tends to make the rest of the day much more enjoyable. Having a negative attitude in the workplace will do nothing but affect you and those around you negatively. That is why it is important to try to be positive at all times. Work doesn't always have to be work, however. Occasionally, a little fun in the workplace can be beneficial for the company and its employees. When the moral is down or the office seems to be complacent, those are the times when it is appropriate to have fun. Having fun at work is a good way to change it up a little bit and boost moral. And with a boosted moral comes increases in quality and production.
In these two short months, I have quickly realized that no matter how busy they may be, EVERYONE here likes to joke around and have a good time. In fact, on some days it feels like the S in our company's name should stand for sarcastic. People definitely respect one another’s opinions and values, but are far from hesitant to share their own. Though this is definitely a positive aspect of working here, there is also the added challenge of not crossing any lines. Everyone has different boundaries and different comfort levels, and being mindful of those is extremely important when working with such a diverse group of people. It's fine to tell stories, pull pranks, and even tease each other a little bit, just as long as no one is made to feel uncomfortable in the process. Making sure that your laugh of the day doesn't come at someone else's expense; to me that's what maintaining the balance is.
*Except for Susan, it's okay to laugh at her! (:
Bitter Sweet
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Workin hard or hardly workin
A typical day...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Balance in all things
The line that needs to be drawn is when fun starts to get in the way of work or work stresses you out way to much. If fun starts getting in the way of work, you need to do more work or you will, ultimately, lose mony. If work starts stressing you out, you need a little injection of fun or your health will start to degrade greatly.
I myself like to check a snippet of online news or something about a video game for maybe 5 minutes here and there. This gives my mind a few minutes to relax and get ready to continue. I do this once an hour (minus the 12-1 lunch hour, of course, or any hour long meetings I may have). This short little burst of fun is all I need to keep going for the next hour or so.
If I'm having a particularly hard day, which I haven't ran into yet, I'd probably like to take another 5 minutes at the 30 minute mark of the hour.
Now, if this is some clever trap to find out whos slacking off, I assure you it isnt slacking. Per hour, I'm looking at a less than 1/6th down time sometimes down to a 1/12th down time for that hour. whereas a good 5/6th to 11/12th of my time is spent being productive.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Robin Williams
Robin Williams has made some life choices that many, many, people would disagree with. But he was able to get himself out of all the potholes of life he went through, regardless of how big they were.
In the late 70's early 80's, Robin Williams was addicted to Cocaine. He would often party, and party hard, with his good friend John Belushi. For those of you who don't know, Belushi was on SNL and in the movie Animal House. On March 5, 1982, Belushi was found dead after an overdose of Cocaine and Heroin. This, coupled with the birth of his son, was a huge wake up call for Robin Williams. He has since then been clean and drug free.
Had Robin Williams not have cleaned up his act, we wouldn't of had the tremendously great man we have today. The movie "Aladdin" wouldn't have been the same without him, nor would any of the movies he was in. Quiting drugs had not only helped himself and his family, but it allowed his would be fans the opportunity to have a laugh at his jokes. He has provided laughter and good feelings for millions worldwide. Without his determination to clean himself up, a lot of laughter would have been lost.
On August 9, 2006, Robin Williams checked himself into a substance-abuse rehabilitation center for alcoholism. The fact he was able to recognize his own problem, much like in the 80's, it amazing. While an outrageously large amount of people fall into the pit of alcoholism, only a handful can realize their problem on there own and do something about it.
He's also quite strong. During his Weapons of Mass Destruction tour in 2009, he became hospitalized for heart problems and had to get his Aortic Valve replaced. You know, the valve that pumps blood from your heart to your head? After surgery, he went on to finish his tour not to much later (less than 6 months after, i think, THINK, it was about a month of recovery before he was out on tour again).
His wife founded and runs a philathropic organization the raises money for charities. He himself had donated ALL the proceeds from one of his tour stops in 2010 to help a New Zealand city rebuild after the earthquake.
And above all else, he's a huge video gamer! He even named his daughter, Zelda, after the video game "The Legend of Zelda." So, its easy to see why I like him. What about you?
There are a good number of people I could potentially say that I admire in certain ways, but I don't necessarily have a 'role model.' (It used to be Tyra Banks, but she ruined that for herself.) So going with my love of music, and her music specifically, I'm going to choose Maya Arulpragasm, or M.I.A. I really love everything about this woman. Not only does she make great beats and catchy melodies, but her music serves a purpose. Underneath the hype and occasional over-production, her lyrics are almost always some form of political commentary. She's never shy about her self-expression; voicing her opinions within her music, her social media outlets, and numerous interviews. Her opinions on third-world democracy, terrorist organizations, and the role of the government have often caused controversy--but she has never allowed adversion to water down the potency of her message.
I'm also infatuated with her sense of style. When I'm not at work, I lean towards the tribal/boho look, which she has down pat. The only outfit of hers that I could not stand was the see through polka dot body suit she wore for her pregnant VMA performance. It was a little bit ridiculous. She also went into labor about three hours after getting off stage, which garnered her some serious points in my book. Performing on your due date takes a lot of courage...and maybe a little bit of craziness also.
Crazy or not, she is an amazing, wonderful, fantastic human being. I can't say that I want to be her, but I would love to be like her.
Dianna is one year older than I am, and just about as successful as I wish I was. She is someone who is gorgeous, carries herself gracefully, has no scandals, and most of all: she is humble. I feel like she is one of those people that doesn't realize she is famous half of the time. She tweets about hanging out with her friends (everyone else on Glee), she blogs constantly with music videos, thoughts, and pictures. I just really admire that in the past 3 years as her fame has sky-rocketed, she has managed to stay grounded and real. She seems so genuine, so caring and so kind. I would love to spend a day with her. Plus, she has great taste in music and clothes :)
Happy?! PS - The photos included in this post are my top 2 favorite Dianna dresses, and I bought that dark colored lipstick just because of her. Weird? Whatever.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Paris Hilton
What celebrity is your role model, and why?
Since Susan took my original role model… Rachel Zoe, I guess I’ll have to settle for my second choice.
A role model to me… is someone who makes all the right decisions, makes the best out of situations, makes others around them happy and in doing so, made themself successful.
Now, I do not have one particular celebrity in which I look up or try to emulate myself. However, there definitely are some that I respect and would consider a role model type. Will Smith would absolutely be in my top 3. I respect anyone who is self-made and Will Smith is the definition of that. Having come from middle-class Philadelphia, he used his intelligence and skill to propel himself to Hollywood. He is the only actor to have eight consecutive films gross over $100 million in the box office. He was also featured in Fortune Magazine's "Richest 40" list of the forty wealthiest Americans under the age of 40. Smith also donates millions of dollars to charities, which is ridiculous to be able to give away that kind of money. Anyone who was not given an opportunity, but made one for themselves and succeeded is a role model to me and what I aspire to be.