Monday, August 15, 2011

First Interview

Since this was my first co-op interview ever I had no idea what to expect but the general questions I had been prepared with after taking Drexel's Co-op 101 class. Most questions were similar which helped ease the nervousness.

When first hearing about SHM I expected a hospital atmosphere. After researching before my interview, I learned it was an office setting. I didn't really know what to expect of the job because I did not fully understand what the Quality Initiatives department was at the time yet after meeting with Wendy, Lauren, Ann, and Taylor, I felt more comfortable and was really excited to learn more about their projects.

With not much experience with working in an office setting I did not expect much besides what I hear from people who do work in an office setting or what I have seen in The Office (haha jk!). I did not expect such a comfortable, casual, and fun atmosphere but I am glad it was:)

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