Friday, April 30, 2010

Luckily for me, I didn't have to hunt down the core values since they are posted on a wall very close to my desk. After reading them, I realized how much these 4 simple values can effect not only SHM, but any company.

Hardworking, for example, is a pretty self-explanatory value. I think that everyone should work hard in anything that they do because you will end up doing better work and feel rewarded after accomplishing a duty or task. Also, here at SHM, everyone works together as a team, so if you don't put in your best work, someone else could be negatively effected. This goes for everyday life too. If you study hard for a test, you will pass.

Collaborative focuses on teamwork, which I mentioned in the perevious paragraph. By utilizing one another's knowledge and experience, you can enhance your own knowledge on the subject matter making. You can also be helpful to others by expressing your own knowledge on different subjects. Also, when trying to resolve a conflict, you can use other people's ideas to form a solution.

The third core value, Innovative, is one that I noticed right off the bat when I first started working here. The environment at SHM is extremely welcoming and invites me to not be afraid to share my own ideas and opinions. It is very comforting to have that here at SHM.

The final core value, Commitment, is very important to have because it is what ties the rest of the values together. If you aren't commited to your job, you won't work hard, care about teamwork nor fovus on innovation. We each have our own responsibilities in the office that are each important to keep things together.

By using these core values at work, or just plain throughout the day, we can be successful in whatever we do.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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