Friday, April 30, 2010

Personally, I love the idea of stressing Four Core Values at the work place. I think the best part of the core values signs are at the very bottom where it states, "Dont worry too hard about SHM. If you do #1, #2, #3, and #4 well, SHM will be just fine." The first time I read that was on my very first day of work, and I thought that was so clever. It really took away all the nerves and anxioty I had coming in because I got the sense that everyone was laid back and together.

Now that I've been here for 5 weeks now I starting to understand the environment and I'm getting to know alot of my co-workers. I really like core value #2, because if you get to know someone on a personal level, then I feel like everything after that will follow. I've really been trying to talk/joke around with as many people in the office. My thoughts are if you get to know who a person really is, then the other core values like having eachother's backs or we are a family, will progressively build over time. I truly feel like that is true in everyday life too. If you know someone on a personal level, then "working together" will just happen, which will lead to better things in the futre.
Luckily for me, I didn't have to hunt down the core values since they are posted on a wall very close to my desk. After reading them, I realized how much these 4 simple values can effect not only SHM, but any company.

Hardworking, for example, is a pretty self-explanatory value. I think that everyone should work hard in anything that they do because you will end up doing better work and feel rewarded after accomplishing a duty or task. Also, here at SHM, everyone works together as a team, so if you don't put in your best work, someone else could be negatively effected. This goes for everyday life too. If you study hard for a test, you will pass.

Collaborative focuses on teamwork, which I mentioned in the perevious paragraph. By utilizing one another's knowledge and experience, you can enhance your own knowledge on the subject matter making. You can also be helpful to others by expressing your own knowledge on different subjects. Also, when trying to resolve a conflict, you can use other people's ideas to form a solution.

The third core value, Innovative, is one that I noticed right off the bat when I first started working here. The environment at SHM is extremely welcoming and invites me to not be afraid to share my own ideas and opinions. It is very comforting to have that here at SHM.

The final core value, Commitment, is very important to have because it is what ties the rest of the values together. If you aren't commited to your job, you won't work hard, care about teamwork nor fovus on innovation. We each have our own responsibilities in the office that are each important to keep things together.

By using these core values at work, or just plain throughout the day, we can be successful in whatever we do.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Core Values

While walking through the office I had to hunt down our core values that are framed to complete this blog. I think that we should make small copies of our company wide core values for people to hang at their desk so they see the core values everyday and hopefully think to enstill them in their daily lives.

Anyways, I think that the four values are great qualities for everyone to have and constantly be working on. For me, I know that I am always trying to improve and be a hard worker. I love to make to do lists and make sure that I am getting done what I need to. I think that for me I need to keep making lists to stay busy and to try and encourage others to work hard as well.

Just as in class, here at SHM we have the collaborative team approach to work. I think that this is a great idea because not only do you have individual strengths but you can combine them to create something completely different than before. I can keep this value going by asking others of their opinons and to help me with the weak aspects of any projects that I am working on.

Besides asking people for their opinions, using the value of innovation helps to bring out creative thinking as well. I can work on this value by trying to brain storm with a more open mind and be open to more ideas. By being more open I will be able to expand on older ideas to create newer ones.

Lastly, the other company value is committment. I think that by being committed it is showing up on time for work everyday and actually doing your work. While everyone has their "off" days it is the everyday little things that help to keep everything moving smoothly. As a co-op I hope to stay committed and continue coming to work on time with Cassidy, Tom, and Kristen. I think that these are great values to help people grow into better people, we should use them and make them more known.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Alright ladies and gents, here is your question for the week:

So this week I know the co-ops in the Marketing department have had to come up with a core value activity/assignment for their next few months here. Also, right before all of you got here, we implemented a company-wide core value system.

You'll see framed pictures of our Company Values around the office. Take 2 minutes out of your day at some point this week, and read them. Don't skim over them and walk away, really take the time to read them, think about what it means to you during your time here, and reflect on how you can exemplify them.

That being said, how can you, as an individual, carry out these core values at work, and even in every day life?

Friday, April 23, 2010

This is a really good first co-op for me. I've worked in an office for a few years before, so I'm pretty used to meetings and the office environment and all that. It wasn't too difficult for me to adapt, but I'm still learning and getting different responsibilities, so we'll see how that turns out. I really like the working atmosphere here simply because everyone is so friendly and will offer a helping hand whenever it's needed. I enjoy working in teams because I like the idea of merging everyone's thoughts and ideas into one. Besides, if I'm going to be a nurse, I better get used to it.
I normally don't get behind in my work. I'm actually somewhat ahead because I'm one of those people who would rather get things done than wait to finish them.
Basically, I'm having a pretty good time. Especially since it's Friday :)
So as a first time co-oper, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. All of my previous jobs had been simple summer jobs such as retail and life guarding, but not once have I had to work in an office, let alone one of this caliber. I've always been big on working on group projects, so I really enjoy things such as the color teams where I get a chance to work at something outside of my realm and collaborate on a project. I love how relaxed the people are and overall the feel of this company is very comfortable, which made it easy to adjust to. I always find it hard to get comfortable in a place that is tightly wound, so it was a quick fix here.

On the meeting side of things, though, I am still trying to get comfortable in those settings; mainly because I don't know what's going on sometimes, which is understandable since I'm still getting caught up to speed on different projects and things of that manner. I haven't had trouble, yet, keeping up with my work through the meeting schedule, though.

And I side with Meredith on this greek week lingo-nonsense. We all love each other! It's just a real competitive two weeks. GO POWDERPUFF!
This is my second co-op, and I've had experience working in an office before, so I didn't need to adjust too much to settle in here. There are a lot more meetings here than any of my previous jobs, and sometimes I do feel like I contribute nothing to the meeting by being there, like with this week's HM10 review, where I didn't really have anything to add, since I didn't do any work on organizing the meeting. For the most part though, I'm fine with the meetings.

I really like how team-oriented this organization is, especially with the cross-department teams. In my experience, people tend to take other departments for granted, and I think it is a great idea to get involved with other departments to get an idea of how well they'd be able to meet the needs of a project, rather than getting the entire project planned out only to find out one of the departments would not be able to meet the goals.

I don't feel the meetings negatively affect my performance here. I get the impression I have a bit more downtime than the other co-ops, simply by virtue of being in a pretty-support based position. We'll see what happens once Lubna's gone (sad face), as I'm looking forward to taking on some of her roles, at least until a replacement is found.

In regards to my previous co-op, the main difference is the scale. Last co-op, I worked for Drexel's IRT department in the Korman Center, and provided support for pretty much everyone at Drexel,between front desk and telephone support for students and field work going out to the professors' offices. In my time here, I've met everyone at least once, whereas I could spend my entire career at Korman and hardly meet a fraction of the users I might support.

The other major difference is that this is the variety of people I get to work with. At Korman, anyone who wasn't an IT professional, I worked with on a one-time basis, and never spoke to again once they left the help desk. This is the first job I've had where I had to regularly interact with other departments, and it is reassuring to see that I can apparently fit in fairly well in an organization that isn't populated entirely with my fellow nerds.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

As Collective Reality - Blog Executive, I am now making the executive decision that I must be in the videos from now on. They're hilarious, and I refuse to be left out!

Anyways, one month down, five to go. If it seems like a lot to you, trust me, it's going to fly by.
Here's this weeks' question:

For most of you, this is your first co-op. What has it been like working in this type of environment, where meetings are an often occurrence, and working in teams is a must? How have you adapted to an environment you're not used to? Do you get behind on your day-to-day tasks with all of the meetings you attend? How do you like working in teams versus by yourself?

For those of you that this is your second co-op, how does it relate to your first?

Happy hump day!

PS - The next two weeks on campus are "Greek Week" which means Cassidy, Lexie and I will want nothing more than to be on campus to cheer on our respective sororities, and the sense of competitiveness will be at its all-time high. You'll probably hear us talking about different events quite frequently, and maybe even some friendly trash-talking (it's all fun and games!).
Just a heads up, because in the end, we still love each other.


Video Blog Post

Inspired by The Real World, we took the initiative to tell you about our first month at SHM confessional style, with a few goofballs in the mix (Tom). We hope you enjoy our take.

Just click on our names to see the corresponding video.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Late Response

So I'm not entirely sure if I'm supposed to be posting anything to the last question, but I guess I will anyway, just in case.
So its the end of my third week here at SHM and I can honestly say that I'm pretty comfortable with everything. The environment is great, the people are chill, and I'm putting a lot of effort into my work and I'm liking the outcomes (Plus the truck loads of free food is an added bonus).
Orientation for me was entertaining. There were a lot of "classes" and introduction to people (who's names I forgot right after I met them, but remembered eventually). It allowed me to get a good feel of what the next few months were going to be like for me, which was nice. I kind of wish that we could have kept the cube door bells though...those were pretty sweet.
In the next 6 months, I guess I'm most excited for the new projects that I'm going to be involved in, learning more about everyone, and basically just getting all the experience I can get. I want to leave a good mark and hopefully be a helpful addition to SHM.
Okay so obviously I wasn't in last week because I was in DC.

Also, the idea was thrown out to include video blogs in this thing. SO this weeks blog assignment is video blog #1.

Make it entertaining, yet somehow relate it to SHM. I'm going to give free reign on this one.

PS - Don't expect every week to be easy questions ;-)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Welp, I made it through week 1 and I think im ready to take on whatever is thrown at me over the next 6 months.(I think?)
Although we did meet everyone throughout the week in out Personal 101 time periods, I would just like to refresh your memory because I know everyone is ripping their own hair out preparing for next week.
I am the tall guy walking around the office being addressed as Tom, Thomas, Tom the Tower, Thomas the Train, etc... I am in my 3rd year, or known as a pre-junior, at Drexel in the Business College. My concentrations are currently Marketing and Finance, and I am taking a night class each term while on co-op in my attempt to lighten the load for me in my 5th and final year. I am on the crew team, but am taking the year off as i deal with a lower back injury that has bothered me since high school.
After coming out of a co-op experience that was more of an independent position, the first week I spent here at SHM already showed me how everyone is dependent on eachotherto complete their specific tasks. Everyone treats eachother like family (as stated on the M&M SHM Core Values, #4) and that is probably my most respected quality of the company. Even writing on this blog, where everyone in the office is able to view eachothers posts and keep in touch is such a great idea.
Overall, I had a great first week as one of the new MA's. I love all the camaraderie SHM sets forth, and this is going to be an exciting 6 months.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend, and see you all on Monday!


Oh Hey, SHM

Talk about familiar faces! Knowing Meredith, Tom, AND Lexie before working here? Definitely comfort zone right off the bat.

After starting a little later than the rest of the MA squad, I wasn't sure how far behind I would be on technical things; but with the help of everyone, I became caught up. I am very excited to be given this opportunity to work with everyone at SHM! The orientation process was very helpful to get a sense of what we will be doing for the next six months so we won't be going into it completely blind. As for doing anything better, I am not sure I have any real critique. Everyone was very helpful and had multiple ways of teaching us skills, mainly verbally and hands on, which for me personally is very helpful. No one takes information the same way, so it was nice that it was varied.

For the next six months I am very excited to get to work with things in both marketing and PR. Both are fields that I am very interested in and enjoy doing, and I now have the opportunity to get a real experience with them!

And yes, I am this enthusiastic all the time.

1 week down, 19 to go

Can you believe it? You've already finished your first week of co-op! Time flies, when you're having fun (and hopefully, you all are!)

So with one week under your belt in a new environment with new faces and some familiar (hey, Cassidy!) how are you feeling? Did you like your "orientation?" What could we have done better? And lastly, what are you most excited for in the next 6 months?

For me, personally, I moved out of the M&M department (sad face!) so now I'm sort of disconnected from the new round of MAs. It's weird not being in contact with you three all of the time, but I hope we get to work together a lot more these next six months, because I know you will be a fun group to work with. I can't wait to get to know you all better and have some fun times!