Friday, February 6, 2009

"We're now into February, which means that there are about 6 weeks left in your co-op.

What's your biggest/proudest accomplishment to date?
What one thing do you want to make sure you do before your last day?"

While this may not come as much of a surprise my proudest accomplishment at SHM to date is being part of the creation of the Core Values and implementing them. This accomplishment is one that I am particularly proud of because I am able to see it working everyday that I come into the office. This task is also important to me because it taught me a great deal about organizing and managing an office. Through the program I learned one huge lesson - managing is not about being on top of everyone at all times but rather it is about setting people up to be the most successful that they can be. It appears to me now that a great manager will hardly ever have to actually "manage" people as long as they create a system that fosters success and they are transparent with their goals.

One aspect that I do not formally know a lot about is PR. I have never done a press release, and as I am starting to develop more of a sense of what I would like to do when I grow up (hopefully about 50 years from now) I realizing that the broader the understanding I have about how a company is run the more successful I can be.

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