Friday, August 17, 2012

Working at SHM these past few months have really made me a stronger and more intelligent person. I am proud of the person it has shaped me into. Since I've had the opportunity to work in a more professional environment here at SHM I feel it has made me mature a bit more. Being surrounded by older and more knowledgeable people each and everyday makes you step up and really bring yourself to their level so they know they can trust and rely on you. This makes you and has made me a stronger person. It also has made me take an interest in things I may not have had interest in before such as the election coming up. All the commotion around here with the health care laws made me look into everything a bit more and start to form my own opinions regarding our country, health care and so much more. All in all I feel most proud of the person I have become, stronger, more dedicated, and more mature, since working at SHM.

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