Thursday, August 30, 2012

Your Questions, Answered


This is a tough one. I'm going to give you two answers. The piece of advice I DID get and the piece of advice I wish I got. 

The advice I did get, the summer before my freshman year - was to do your absolute best the very first term of college. Why? Because it sets the tone for your GPA for your entire college career. After your first term, your GPA can be difficult to get higher. It was useful advice (who's idea was it to have Psych 101 as a freshman? I got a C in that class!) but in the end - I don't think anyone has ever asked me what my final GPA was. But hey - if you can graduate with some kind of cum laude, then go for it. 

The advice I wish I got? SAVE YOUR MONEY FROM CO-OP UNTIL YOU GRADUATE (if you can) and WORK PART TIME (if you can). 
During my first co-op, I saved so much money - but of course I ended up spending it on odds and ends. Looking back, it seems like I had more money in college than I did post-grad. I always went out for Restaurant Week and went to concerts and bought new things, etc. But when you graduate, the bills and the loans start and the help from your parents (if you're fortunate) stop. When I was in school, I had a scholarship and all of my student loans took care of paying for tuition, and my parents helped me with rent. When I graduated I wanted to be independent and a "big girl" so I didn't want help anymore. Man, I wish I still had that help. But what I really wish, was that I saved more money instead of spent it. Trust me - it can only help. Plus, there are so many FREE things you can do as a college student!!

-What was one thing you loved and one thing you hated about Drexel? 
One thing I loved was being in a sorority. I was one of those people who HATED greek life, I despised everything it stood for, I frowned upon anyone in letters - and next thing you know I joined Delta Zeta as a pre-junior. It was a really fun experience.
One thing I hated was walking to class in the winter. (One of the reasons I loved being on fall/winter co-op). Also, having classes in the summer blows.
-Do you feel this upcoming election is of more importance than in years past?
I voted for Obama in the last election, and I don't really pay much attention to politics. I try to tell myself every time an election rolls around to become more educated about how the candidates feel about certain issues. I think this year I'm going to vote for Ron Paul.
-Pats, Genos, Jims or Tony Lukes for a cheesesteak?
Pats. Hands down.
-What is one thing you want to make sure you do before you die?
Well, I've already gone skydiving, so I'd have to say travel to all of the places I want to go to:
Napa Valley, Iceland, Greece, Italy, London, France, etc. (I have a list).
-If you could have anything as your "last meal" what would it be?
Believe it or not, I think about this one a lot. It would be this:
An entire pizza from Bertuccis, a pb&j sandwich (made by me), an order of bruschetta from Ralph's Italian Restaurant, some Reese's peanut butter cups (preferably big cups), McDonald's french fries and of course....a fountain coke.
-What is one of the hardest interview questions you have ever come across and how did you answer it?
Oh gosh I haven't been on an interview since I interviewed with SHM four years ago so I don't even remember!!
-When you think of great customer service, what company comes to mind?
1. Answer your phone when it rings. I suck at that.
2. If you don't answer your phone, at least check your voicemail. I suck at that, too.
3. LISTENING to the customer's opinions and feedback. If your customer has an idea or suggestion, chances are - a bunch of other people will have the same one. I think it's really important to satisfy THEIR needs before our own. Putting the customer first is the best way to succeed in this type of organization. 
-If you went to Hogwarts what house would the sorting hat place you in?
Obviously Hufflepuff. 


- How SHM have changed you in some way?
SHM made me more confident in myself, and less shy. I used to be REALLY shy, and sometimes I still am...but SHM definitely broke that mold in me a long time ago.
- What is your most embarrassing (but funny) moment?

It's always really hard for me to think of something for this question. I always revert to back in high school I was walking up the bleachers during a football game to talk to some cute boys and totally wiped out. I'm sure there have been a ton of embarrassing moments since then, but I can't think of anything.
- If you wanna change something about you, what would it be?

I'd want to be able to stay in touch with everyone I've lost touch with. It's hard with everyone moving forward in their lives but there are definitely a handful of people that I wish I still talked to often.
- Tell us one of your best vacation so far!
I've been on some amazing vacations. I'd have to say one of my top 5 would be when I went to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for spring break my Junior year of college. There were 18 of us that rented a house and it was just an amazing time. I'll never forget it, plus it was my first week-long vacation with Andrew, my first road trip with friends, etc. It was a blast. 


What are some of the more interesting things that you've seen in our time here at SHM?
Haha this is a good question. I've seen SHMers in snuggies, I've seen BobbyZ in some great Halloween costumes, I've seen some GREAT pranks pulled off (foil covered office, wrapping paper covered office, cell phone in the ceiling, etc) and I've seen everyone become a really close family. It's rare to find that in a company these days.
Did you consider any colleges other than Drexel?

Drexel was a last minute decision, actually. I applied to all Southern schools. College of Charleston, University of South Carolina, University of Arizona, Arizona State University, University of San Diego, and some more. Charleston was my top choice, and I was deferred, but I got into every other school I applied to. I was about to go to University of Arizona when I decided I didn't want to go so far away from home. I applied to the University of Delaware and Drexel wayyy past deadlines, and I ended up getting a scholarship to Drexel. I would never have gone to Drexel had I not gotten the scholarship. I didn't even know they had a co-op program until I went to New Student Days.
If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

I'd tell my high school self to be more daring and adventurous, to party more and have more stories to tell.
If you could pick 3 groups/bands/artists to hold a concert together, which would you choose?

Dead or alive? I'd pick Bob Marley, The Beatles, and not gonna lie... probably the Spice Girls.
What's the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Don't know, don't care.
What's the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything?
Do what you love, and f**k the rest. (That is a quote from a movie)


How did you feel after your first co-op?
I was happy that I no longer had to commute from West Philly to Malvern!
What is something you want to try but haven't yet?

Oysters. I'm terrified, but kind of want to try it.
Do you have any regrets about any of your co-ops? 

Nope! Even though the first one was kind of sucky, I still learned valuable things from it and made a lifelong friend.
What is the best part of Philadelphia?

The restaurants. SO many good places to eat around here, and it just keeps getting better.
If you could spend any amount of money on only one thing, what would it be?
How did you feel after your first co-op?
What is something you want to try but haven't yet?
Do you have any regrets about any of your co-ops?
What is the best part of Philadelphia?
If you could spend any amount of money on only one thing, what would it be?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What are some of the more interesting things that you've seen in our time here at SHM?
Did you consider any colleges other than Drexel?
If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
If you could pick 3 groups/bands/artists to hold a concert together, which would you choose?
What's the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What's the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything?

To Meredith

- How SHM have changed you in some way?
- What is your most embarrassing (but funny) moment?
- If you wanna change something about you, what would it be?
- Tell us one of your best vacation so far!
-What was one thing you loved and one thing you hated about Drexel?
-Do you feel this upcoming election is of more importance than in years past?
-Pats, Genos, Jims or Tony Lukes for a cheesesteak?
-What is one thing you want to make sure you do before you die?
-If you could have anything as your "last meal" what would it be?
-What is one of the hardest interview questions you have ever come across and how did you answer it?
-When you think of great customer service, what company comes to mind?
-If you went to Hogwarts what house would the sorting hat place you in?

I think thats all for now!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Question for Meredith

What is one piece of advice that you wish someone gave you when you were in college?
It's your turn! Ask me anything. 
You can ask me one question, three questions, whatever. 
I'll post my answers by Thursday...which means you have two days to post!
Have fun!

Friday, August 17, 2012

I think that what I am most proud of from my time here at SHM is just how much I've learned.  As a pre-junior, I have had plenty of classes, yet even combined they did not come close to the volume of information, techniques, and useful skills I've learned here.  I'm already planning out how to best put some of those skills to use in the upcoming terms, in order to continue improving them.  In addition, I am also proud of the roles I have played in a few of the initiatives around here, namely the QSR re-work with Jackie and Thu, the Word Plugin project with Todd and Thu, and the research I did for Higher Logic with Todd and Shawn.  Each one showed me something different, and exposed me to technologies and terminology that I had not been familiar with in the past.
Working at SHM these past few months have really made me a stronger and more intelligent person. I am proud of the person it has shaped me into. Since I've had the opportunity to work in a more professional environment here at SHM I feel it has made me mature a bit more. Being surrounded by older and more knowledgeable people each and everyday makes you step up and really bring yourself to their level so they know they can trust and rely on you. This makes you and has made me a stronger person. It also has made me take an interest in things I may not have had interest in before such as the election coming up. All the commotion around here with the health care laws made me look into everything a bit more and start to form my own opinions regarding our country, health care and so much more. All in all I feel most proud of the person I have become, stronger, more dedicated, and more mature, since working at SHM.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Again, working at SHM is a perfect opportunity for students who would want to learn real responsibility from the real work. I'm sure you know what I mean by "real" here since you probably hear from other co-ops about their boring and redundant tasks. The more I see how important the project is, the more I feel proud of myself when getting some accomplishments on it. I have been working on the QSR project with Jackie and Adam. It is a great experience for me because I have learned cross-function communication: bringing up and discussing ideas with department's leads and business owners. It is definitely something to me. I also do the AP Style Guide project with Adam, Todd, Ashley, Irisa, Brendon, and Shawn. Things went well and, as Todd noted, we contributed to change the game from now on: bringing SHM close to the perfection in writing :) So all that contribution make me feel great!
What I am most proud of during my time here is my growth as an employee and as a person. I didn't really know what to expect at my first real job, but I feel so much more prepared now to take on my next co-op than I ever could have believed I would. Working at SHM has helped me grow and develop my skills as well as add new ones that I know will be valuable to me for the rest of my life. I also think that being in such a great work environment has helped me grow as a person and be more comfortable with who I am. I am very lucky to be working here and I am going to continue to learn as much as I can.
During my time here at SHM I think that I have been able to learn a lot about myself. Through my projects I have been able to enhance my skills and abilities in several different areas. I think that I am most proud of my ability to take ownership of the projects assigned to me. In the beginning of this co-op and my previous co-op I was a little hesitant with my work. During my time here I think I have been able to take more initiative and own the work that I do. For example, working on the QSR project I have not only been able to enhance my collaboration and group project skills, but I was able to take initiative with my work by creating new reports and improving old reports with my group members. I was also really proud of our group’s effort when meeting with the business owners to present/propose our new formats.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Looking back

What are you most proud of during your time here at SHM?