Tuesday, February 28, 2012
So, being too busy gets you two questions eh?
In all seriousness, my advice is to have an open mind. SHM is full of opportunities, if you look in the right places. You can not have a close-minded attitude. You can't think "Just do whatever I'm asked" (Do what your asked, within reason, but try to take some initiative) or "No one else can be right, My Idea is always the best idea" (Listen to everyone else, you'd be surprised how much everyone knows, or how creative they can be) Being close-minded closes the doors on many opportunities open to those with an open mind.
You won't get very far in life if you can't see past your own nose.
Looking back, Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing. Not for a close-minded reason of thinking I did everything perfectly. I've made mistakes, everyone does, I could have done better. But I've also impressed some people, got the job done, made some improvements. The experiences I've encountered here at SHM, good and bad, have all lead up to who I am today. If I hadn't of messed up, I wouldn't have improved. If I hadn't got the job done, I wouldn't feel good about myself. Everything that has happened here at SHM has proven it to be everything I could of asked for, and more. I wouldn't do anything to change that.
Save the silly one for last! One food for the rest of my life... ONE WORD: SPAGETTI
One of the most versatile foods of all time. It can be prepared in many different ways, with many different outcomes, I wouldnt become tired of it (I would know, I've eaten spagetti for weeks without growing even an inkling of a bit tired of it)
So there you have it. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
Question 1: Looking back on your co-op experience at SHM, what would you do differently?
Question 2: If you had to eat one item of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose and why?
Friday, February 24, 2012
Improvement is Critical
What is the one piece of advice you would give to an incoming co-op?
SHM grants their co-ops the opportunity to make an impact. And as a co-op, you feel appreciated and capable of completing tasks that are designated to you. Some companies do not utilize their co-ops to their full potential and push them to succeed during their 6 months as a full-time employee. SHM does, and they do it well. If you are willing to put in the work, you will be assigned meaningful projects that really help with daily operations of the company and help make SHM the great brand that it is today.
That being said, the advice I would give to the incoming co-ops is to make the best of your opportunities and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Working in a professional environment is not always an easy adjustment, and at sometimes can be intimidating. SHM does everything within its power to make sure you have a smooth transition. However, the only way to truly accommodate yourself is to be confident in your abilities and embrace every project you do (own your work). Every project you complete, know that you have done something significant and you have improved in some way. Improvement is critical. Strive to get better on each task that you do, so that next time a similar assignment approaches you will be assertive.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
All's well that ends well.
Listen Up!
New Co-ops
One piece of Advice...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Create opportunities
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Another great moment for me was the idea pitches we were each responsible for presenting during the marketing meeting. Of course, I was nervous and uncertain of how my presentation would be received--but I'm really just happy I got through it and received a lot of positive feedback. I'm not the best public speaker, and seeing as how I want to be in front of a camera for the rest of my life, it's something I'm actively trying to get better at. It was a needed challenge, a great opportunity, and thankfully a successful one as well.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Except for the layout of the QSR, which was proposed by Michael and Brendon, the rest of the project was ours. We planned out the Project (Using MS Project, which I learned myself) and created the QSR project by ourselves. After rigorous planning and work, we got a working QSR which ended up being highly well received by the SHM business owners and higher ups.
I feel that this will make a long standing mark on SHM and that makes the accomplishment all the better. With the QSR expanding and providing a link between Marketing/IT/Project Management/Business Development and the rest of the Business owners, this project will be one to stay for many generations of co-ops.
Web Marketing
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of during your last five months at SHM? In other words, what is the resume bullet point that you will be most proud to brag about in future co-op interviews?
Throughout my time at SHM, not only have I enjoyed working here, but I have taken away so much knowledge about web marketing. Prior to working here, I had marketing experience in social media. What I didn’t have experience in, is web marketing specifically. So I was receptive to that position and anxious to learn the operations of web marketing. Specifically, working in Google Analytics and Yahoo! Web Analytics to analyze metrics and implement them into reports that help our team track the progress of our campaigns. Organizing reports and interpreting data for social media and web advertisements is definitely a bullet point I would like to include on my resumé. More importantly, the key to those bullet points is to emphasize the meaning and importance of those reports. Analyzing trends is the only way to improve your results each month. Realizing and correcting mistakes is imperative regarding improvement. Nonetheless, acquiring skills in web marketing has allowed me to expand my knowledge of marketing. Having done such a wide variety of projects at my last co-op, from writing and editing press-releases to preparing and hosting events, I can now appeal to larger market of occupations.
QSR Report
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Learning how to make a difference
A bit off topic -- but if you are interested, this video is the story behind a new project that our department will be a part of soon called Partnership for Patients and is an example of how awesome and important the stuff that we do is. If this is not something to brag about in future interviews, I don't know what is..
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Livezilla and other things
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Other than the raffle my biggest accomplishment here was definitely my proposal for dual monitors. I had the idea of implementing dual monitors as a way for the marketing department to increase it's productivity. First Scott, Susan and I created a presentation to pitch the original idea followed by a professional business proposal. We were able to achieve our goal and receive dual monitors for all of the MA's. I can easily say that having multiple screens absolutely increases the overall productivity throughout my day. Considering that the dual monitors will create a ROI and continue to create a more productive work day, the dual monitors were my biggest accomplishment at SHM.
Friday, February 10, 2012
This weeks' question (to be answered by 2/17):
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of during your last five months at SHM? In other words, what is the resume bullet point that you will be most proud to brag about in future co-op interviews?