Wednesday, July 13, 2011


1. If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
2. What would be your dream job?
3. What is your most embarrassing elementary/middle/high school experience?
4. Who do you idol most (if anyone)?

For Meredith, answer the bolded one (#3) :)


Meesh said...

#4. My idols include but are not limtied to - Charlie Sheen, Barney the dinosaur, Casey Anthony, Mark McGuire, Lindsay Lohan, Al Capone, all the bachelors & bachelorettes, Chuck Norris, Kim Il-Sung, and who could forget the BP staff.

Meredith said...

My most embarrassing moment isn't all that embarrassing. I was at a high school football game and was walking up the bleachers to say hi to some really cute guys and definitely tripped and fell. Womp.